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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Sunday: It was a proper summer morning so I got the Raleigh out this time and went for a spin. I have new bar tape on so this was a good test - it stayed wrapped which is always good.;)

I picked another route I haven't done for a while - an orbit round Shrewsbury - and set off towards Condover, Berrington and Atcham initially. I'd intended to take it easy for this one after the exertions of the previous day but the bike felt really good and I couldn't resist pushing it along. A club ride came the other way on Lyons Lane and there seemed to be an event of some sort at Berrington Hall judging by the number of cars parked along the lane. I swept along to Atcham and went pretty well on the slight climb past Attingham Park, witnessing a tourist trying to go in through the exit then realising and backing out into traffic.:blink:

There were more cyclists from Upton Magna (the cafe at The Haughmond was doing a good trade) and I was able to catch and pass a guy going quick on a lighter bike on the way to Withington (I know I'm not a racer so moments like these feel good). It's fairly flat to Rodington Heath and Roden so I was able to keep the good pace going. There were a couple of interesting classic cars on the way to Bing's Heath - a Caterham 7 and a 1930s open top Bentley.

Reaching Hadnall I got the first hint that I might have pushed on too hard earlier as my legs felt fatigued climbing over the railway bridge. They had recovered a little by the next climb to Harmer Hill but I took it a bit easier until Myddle. A driver coming from a side road looked straight at me before pulling out into my path, which was a little annoying. A rider that had passed me shortly before that had been held up by temporary lights and I was able to reel them in, particularly after we turned towards Fenemere and I had a descent to help. I only had the energy to keep pace though by now so I kept back a respectful distance.

In Baschurch we turned in opposite directions. The speed sign in the village triggered as I approached, showing 33mph - my speedometer showed a more realistic 17 mph.:scratch: The climb out of the dip on the road to Little Ness was a pull but I could tell the difference from the old cranks as the legs would really have been burning if I'd done it with them while this tired in the past.

I was slower on the way to Montford Bridge but managed the climb to Bicton alright then headed through estates old and new to take the longer but flatter way to Meole Brace. I was really running out of energy on the last climb of the day and found myself wishing I'd brought some jelly babies along.

42.1 miles at 15.4 mph average. Strava says 1300 feet of climbing. Great fun but I pushed myself a bit too hard on a warm day.


Unexpectedly found the RAF flag flying at Roden.

My favourite house at Harmer Hill.

The first ripe blackberries I've seen this season at Little Ness. The year is moving on too quick!
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Evening blat on, what turned out to be, the wrong bike :cry:
Old habits die hard when you have been gravel munching for a long while.
Close to River Dee near Hawarden.
Anyhow, consoling myself with a well deserved scoop.
Evening all ^_^

Evening one and all!
Cracker of a roasting hot (29c!!) ride around Chirk.

Not riden here since the summer before covid, 2019 and it was baking hot that day! Thanks to the lovely cafe lady in the castle who topped my bottle up with iced water, i was well puffed out.


Stunning 300 year old gates at the castle, took 7 years for the craftsmen brothers to make them!!
Having a nice cold drink now, that was hard work but bloody brilliant ^_^
26 miles, phew.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Hot riding today. Had a lift over to East Grinstead for a group ride of circa 80 km; a loop from East Grinstead, passing Horsted Keynes (puffing and whistles from the Bluebell Railway steam trains), Fairwarp, Hadlow Down and Groombridge.
Quite hilly, but the climbs were short and sharp, whilst some of the descents had apparently been carefully planned to be long and FAST!

A highlight was the selection of free-range sheep in the Ashdown Forest!
We were suffering in the heat and were late to our pub lunch booking; I was in the advance group that rushed ahead - and was enjoying my beer and food when the others arrived - one feeling sick as a dog from heatstroke.

Must have stayed there about 100 minutes, and if anything it was hotter when we left. I put my Garmin back on the bike and for a short while it registered 34 C, so it was a very welcome roll down the hill back into Groombridge and then onto the Forest Way. This is 10 miles of old railway line back to East Grinstead, and nearly all of it was beautifully shaded; a welcome relief from the sun.

The Forest Way is also part of Avenue Verte - a short section of which I'd enjoyed in Dieppe earlier in the month.

Got my lift home, and had 80 something km on the clock, so headed out again to increase the total to over 100km.

The numbers:
62.52 miles/ 100.59 km; 4,665 ft of climbing, a gentle 5 hours 35 minutes of riding time, making the average moving speed 11.2mph.
3 counties (East Sussex, Kent, Surrey).

I'm not great with heights, so wasn't particularly happy to start the day with a climb up a ladder to squirt wasp killer onto the roof, where there are suddenly a million wasps buzzing around. This is after 5 applications of the powder over a 24 hour period, and it looked like they'd all gone tonight. I feel slightly guilty, but they're coming into the house and terrifying the family!

Some of the lanes felt distinctly rural


Larger than a nebuchadnezzar, carelessly discarded at the roadside.
Or perhaps deliberately left so weary cyclists can quench their thirst. How civilised.

I found utuopia, in a pub

My daughter's lock proving useful again

The Forest Way


And the Dorking Cock wins Gold!

And the sun sets on a beautiful day....

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yesterday: My brother had a day off and by promising a pub stop I managed to get him out for a ride.:dance: It has been a while since he last got his bike out so he was a little worried about being too slow for me - I said that if I wanted a fast ride I can go out by myself for that, but offered to take the Kingpin, which is a more relaxed mode of transport. To be honest it hasn't been out for a while so this was a great excuse to use it.^_^

We were quite a bit later getting out than originally planned and the day was heating up. I suggested a change of route to stay fairly local and which coincidentally offers more choice of pubs. We started out heading for Condover. A few impolite drivers in the first couple of miles and one that went for an overtake into the blind crest and corner of the railway bridge - they just avoided a collision and I hope it scared them.:dry: When Doug suggested taking the shortcut through Allfield I was happy to oblige.

It was quieter to Berrington, Cross Houses and Atcham but we had another vehicle pass close and fast on the way to Berwick Wharf. Thankfully that was the last bad driver of the trip and we were able to enjoy the ride to Upton Magna then Uffington where the village was having a scarecrow festival and there were a few interesting figures on the roadside. We joined the old canal path which was dry and dusty but nice for being away from traffic.

There were lots of people enjoying the sunshine and warm weather down at Sydney Avenue. Doug got hit by an errant football but fortunately there was no harm done. We followed the riverside path to The Quarry, which was also very busy and thought about stopping at The Boathouse for our pub stop. Lots of other people had the same idea and although we might have found a table we weren't sure where to safely leave the bikes so decided to head on to The Beacon instead where there was space outside with the bikes close by and the pints are slightly more reasonably priced.;)

It was a gentle ride back, mostly on cycle paths.

20.4 miles at 11.3 mph average and 726 feet of climbing. Great to get out with Doug and I hope it won't be as long 'til our next ride together.


On the old bridge at Atcham.



A couple of views from the bridge. It's a popular spot on a warm, sunny day.


A quick drink stop between Upton Magna and Downton.


Scarecrows at Uffington. There were some quite imaginative ones elsewhere in the village.



A couple of shots at the weir in Castlefields.


The Quarry in Shrewsbury. Preparations for the Flower Show next weekend are well under way.


Drinkies at The Beacon.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Another hot ride done and dusted .
Over the last week my left shoulder is hurting when i ride , the front of the shoulder starts to hurt after maybe 10-15 miles and i have to hold onto the tops to relieve the pain .
I have tried moving the saddle forward and back with little success and i am getting annoyed as i have changed anything on the bike prior to the onset of the issue and the fact its only one shoulder makes it hard to work out why its playing up .
Tomorrow i am going to dig out a couple of other bikes and double check measurements but all the bikes are pretty much set up the same .
Yesterday: My brother had a day off and by promising a pub stop I managed to get him out for a ride.:dance: It has been a while since he last got his bike out so he was a little worried about being too slow for me - I said that if I wanted a fast ride I can go out by myself for that, but offered to take the Kingpin, which is a more relaxed mode of transport. To be honest it hasn't been out for a while so this was a great excuse to use it.^_^

We were quite a bit later getting out than originally planned and the day was heating up. I suggested a change of route to stay fairly local and which coincidentally offers more choice of pubs. We started out heading for Condover. A few impolite drivers in the first couple of miles and one that went for an overtake into the blind crest and corner of the railway bridge - they just avoided a collision and I hope it scared them.:dry: When Doug suggested taking the shortcut through Allfield I was happy to oblige.

It was quieter to Berrington, Cross Houses and Atcham but we had another vehicle pass close and fast on the way to Berwick Wharf. Thankfully that was the last bad driver of the trip and we were able to enjoy the ride to Upton Magna then Uffington where the village was having a scarecrow festival and there were a few interesting figures on the roadside. We joined the old canal path which was dry and dusty but nice for being away from traffic.

There were lots of people enjoying the sunshine and warm weather down at Sydney Avenue. Doug got hit by an errant football but fortunately there was no harm done. We followed the riverside path to The Quarry, which was also very busy and thought about stopping at The Boathouse for our pub stop. Lots of other people had the same idea and although we might have found a table we weren't sure where to safely leave the bikes so decided to head on to The Beacon instead where there was space outside with the bikes close by and the pints are slightly more reasonably priced.;)

It was a gentle ride back, mostly on cycle paths.

20.4 miles at 11.3 mph average and 726 feet of climbing. Great to get out with Doug and I hope it won't be as long 'til our next ride together.

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On the old bridge at Atcham.

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A couple of views from the bridge. It's a popular spot on a warm, sunny day.

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A quick drink stop between Upton Magna and Downton.

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Scarecrows at Uffington. There were some quite imaginative ones elsewhere in the village.

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A couple of shots at the weir in Castlefields.

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The Quarry in Shrewsbury. Preparations for the Flower Show next weekend are well under way.

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Drinkies at The Beacon.

Nice one Ricky P - Always good to see a shopper bike out for a jaunt :okay:


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Out on No.2 (reserve) bike today as No.1 is in the workshop for some expensive repairs. Slightly on edge all the way, as the front tyre has gone a tad soft but the valve is seized and is not allowing me to pump any more air into it. You know that feeling when you set off on a ride and you suddenly realise you do not have your pump with you? It felt a bit like that, because if it had gone flat I reckon I'd have been off and pushing. Thought "what the heck" anyway, and set off to get a 50km ride in, out to Arlingham, across to Frampton, chucking in a couple of little loops and diversions and finishing on exactly 31.07 miles (50.0km).

The highlight of the ride was cycling right alongside an old barn just as a kestrel struck by the side of me. Heard a whumph, a squeal and a flutter and saw the kestrel taking off with a big juicy rat for his dinner. On the way back from Arlingham, an old clubmate of mine caught up with me and we rode along chatting for a couple of miles before parting ways. I say "chatting", but I have to admit that, despite knowing him for at least eight years now, I have never mastered his Glaswegian dialect. When he speaks to me I employ a three strikes rule, and answer questions firstly with "pardon", secondly with "sorry, didn't hear that" and thirdly either "yes" or "no" depending on which seems most likely to be appropriate. I think I got away with it again today. Nice bloke, but no idea what we were talking about.

Really glad I have a back-up bike, and it behaved itself perfectly. Another nice little ride in warm sunny weather ... and the tyre didn't go flat.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I lost my bike!!!

I set off from Princetown, past the prison and down Pork Hill. I then took the track up to Great Mis tor. It’s rough-ish but not too bad. Eventually the clitter got the better of me so I dismounted. I parked my bike against a big rock and set off to climb the tor in cleated shoes…. What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing while climbing up to the summit and down, but I had misplaced my bike….! It was one of those “oh sh*t” moments, I knew it was somewhere but you know when you feel like an eejit?

Down , up Pork Hill and across toYellowmead Farm and Foggintor quarry.

I then dropped down below Kings Tor on a lovely rocky track to then loop back around Kings Tor to where I’d just been. A couple of miles back to the van.

Only 10 miles, but scenic miles!


Mis Tor awaits









Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Todays cycling shenanigans. A very early 5.45am start out to a very mild, warm morning. I had to contend with on and off light drizzle for the first few hours of the ride, but I wasn't getting wet enough to warrant a jacket. Not that I had one anyway. The drizzle petered out at 11am with the overcast, grey skies being replaced with blue skies and big white fluffy clouds, though the naughty winds did pick up in the afternoon making the cycling a little bit harder then the morning session.
So climbing up and over the Downs down to and through the Kent Weald, on to the flat Romney Marshes then back via the rolling hills of very lovely Wye Valley.
So, scores on the doors.
125 miles for the day
Imperial century ride # 343
Imperial century ride month in a row #166
And a new Eddington number of 118.

The military canal at Appledore
The WWII air field memorial at Newchurch on the Romney Marshes

A cycle Tempest with the warbird it was named after.

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