Today, it being a; gorgeous and b; doing a four day week this week... I planned to do a trip up to Arnside, then a loop via Silverdale and back to town... about 32-34 miles at a guess. Absolutely beautiful... much more woody than Saturday or Sunday's routes.
Missed a turn off but the big short downhill was worth it, plus it added a couple of miles. Had a bit of a walk up to the Fairy Steps*; not as camp as their name suggests... basically a set of steps built into an impressive limestone edifice/fault. Then back in the saddle to Arnside and a pint at the pub with I'm sure one of the UK's best beer gardens; Ye Olde Fighting C*cks... views over the Kent estuary, the Kent viaduct, Whitbarrow Scar, the Cumbrian Mountains right round to the Howgill Fells.. in fact i had two pints... and then I got thinking... I'm currently a stone's throw from Arnside Station, and live a stone's throw from Lancaster station, and i do have a soft spot for trains... so my potential 30odd mile route ended up a 20mile route
(including my detours) from
Lancaster to Arnside. Took 35 minutes to get home.
*Hmm, the fairy steps... i was looking for a photo to post, but none of them looked right, and on
further investigation it appears there's
two sets of fairy steps on that path... dang!
I think another trip to Arnside is in order... I might even cycle back next time.