Your ride today.... (part 1)

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World class procrastinator
A bit of a quickie tonight. Its been one of those days and it had been raining all day so I didn't get out until gone 7pm. Lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree I rode on local roads for 5.76 miles in the increasing drizzle. The thought of a nice spag bol simmering away at home made me decide not to stay out any longer.
Interestingly, out by myself on my MTB, my average speed was 10.8 mph as opposed to 9.38mph when I go out with the hubster. Had a great ride but I was a bit scared on the B road for the first and last mile. The traffic really whizzes by.

Oh, one bit of note. I had a strange encounter with a car driver. While approaching Barnham Broom and wanting to turn right at the upcoming T junction, the car driver held back to see which way I indicated. When I indicated right, he/she stayed back and waited for me to make my turn before overtaking me with shed loads of room on a safe bit of the road. Normally along that bit, its all boy racers making me dash for cover in the bushes. Lovely car driver tonight, a real treat. Thank you, whoever you are.


Proud Daddy
Just some pics from today's ride I thought I'd share. I like to see everyone else's so I'm going to assume everyone else likes mine!





Not taken by me BTW


Legendary Member
A bit of a quickie tonight. Its been one of those days and it had been raining all day so I didn't get out until gone 7pm. Lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree I rode on local roads for 5.76 miles in the increasing drizzle. The thought of a nice spag bol simmering away at home made me decide not to stay out any longer.
Interestingly, out by myself on my MTB, my average speed was 10.8 mph as opposed to 9.38mph when I go out with the hubster. Had a great ride but I was a bit scared on the B road for the first and last mile. The traffic really whizzes by.

Oh, one bit of note. I had a strange encounter with a car driver. While approaching Barnham Broom and wanting to turn right at the upcoming T junction, the car driver held back to see which way I indicated. When I indicated right, he/she stayed back and waited for me to make my turn before overtaking me with shed loads of room on a safe bit of the road. Normally along that bit, its all boy racers making me dash for cover in the bushes. Lovely car driver tonight, a real treat. Thank you, whoever you are.

Odds on they are a cyclist as well.


Cycling Skoda lover
I've developed a liking for cycling in the evening so I set off at 3 pm for a 30 miler along the Tyne. A nice sunset and some good views.


I even got a pb for the ride.
Wait a minute ! Did you say sunset ??? What have we done on the West side not to get this sun thing ??? Rain again today,not happy !!!!!


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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
First ride of the year today, and fingers crossed that they ALL turn out to be as dry and enjoyable as this! Largs to Glasgow via Loch Thom, Bridge of Weir, Paisley and Govan. Met up with eldest brother and his wife for a pint and curry lunch at the Shish Mahal in Kelvinbridge, then headed off to Glasgow central station (rain clouds were gathering!). Missed a train by about 2 minutes, so having an hour to pass, went along the River Clyde to the transport museum and back in time for the next train home. Something on at the SECC, so guess that our Pat5mph will be having a busy day. 44 miles; that's me off the starting blocks for 2013.

Stu Smith

A wet and hilly 41 mile today.Out from Blackburn -Ribchester-Dinckley-Whalley-Cliltheroe-Chatburn then in my madness decided Pendle hill was a good idea :wacko: back via Sabden and Great Harwood..There was a warmish breeze, which made it a little warm when I'd dressed for the usual cold stuff..Averaged 15.9 mph which has pleased... Out tomorrow but will be keeping my mad ideas to go up Pendle hill and the like in check:whistle:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Something on at the SECC, so guess that our Pat5mph will be having a busy day. 44 miles; that's me off the starting blocks for 2013.
Panto at the Armadillo and Carneval at the SECC on all week.
Was off today :wahhey:

Edit: well done you, 44 miles :ohmy:


Norven Mankey
Well that made a change. Having ridden over every damn hill in the Peak District in the past 8 months, I had to take #2 son to Chellaston, near Derby for a cricket trial today. It was 3 hours so that gave me the chance to take the bike and pop out for a spin.

20 miles and 1000ft of ascent later I was done Took in Ingeby, Tickall, Melbourne, Breedon on the Hill, Stanton by Bridge and Swarkstone Common . Funny thing was, it felt almost flat to me (100ft/mile is about standard up here). If I ever cycle in Norfolk it'll feel like riding downhill. Managed 16mph avg, wonder what I would do on a genuinely flat ride?

Nice and mild, not too windy, polite drivers. Roads were a bit of a mess with recent flooding but hey ho, can't have everything
A bit of a p'ture strewn ride but an enjoyable one in good weather and dry roads for a change (except the flooded Airth back road ;)). One rider was visited by the fairy before we even started, at the bottom Glen Gates (We meet at the top gates) as everybody informed the waiting party Lol you probably had to be there :laugh: We then got as far as Low Valleyfield p'ture free (about 5 miles), then the fairy hit another rider (4 times :ohmy: ) and we didn't get far and she struck again :ohmy: They then abandoned at that point. The group then headed to Corrieris (cafe) without any further incident! One young rider was late for his hot date in Milnathort 25 miles or so away, so when we all stopped he continued, at an impressive solo speed. At Causewayhead Cafe the sun really came out and it actually dried the roads! It was getting on a bit so we took a short route back by Alloa and the Coast. We got as far as Torryburn and the fairy struck again (me this time). A tiny piece of glass had worked its way through the Kevlar belt. As it was late and close to home I just waved folk home. After I fixed it I chased back with a tail wind (that thing of myth) but LOL folks had went another way home.

Stu Smith

20 mile today,Blackburn - Ribchester - Whalley- Gt Harwood and home, legs a little stiff from Pendle hill yesterday. Stopped for a quick toilet break down one of the quiet country lanes,a quick look round no one in sight over the hedge I went,Cycling jersey lifted up bib longs pulled down just enough,,let the flow begin.. its never a good sign when a dog comes sniffing around your ankles but my fear was realised,when I turned round and stood there two ladies walking there dogs,my reaction was to say hello..:blush:
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