Your ride today.... (part 1)

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50 miles to start the New Year. 30 with mates then I carried on for another 20 on my own


Legendary Member
I done 15 miles today to set the studs in some new tyres. It was allright actually.
I'd been wondering how I'd manage at keeping enthusiastic braking to a minimum but didn't have anything left on the front pads and once I'd got above Saddleworth I found that the smear left on the back ones had gone west. It made for picking the route home with more care than originally planned.
Timed it right too as it's raining again.


Legendary Member
Great solo ride out from Blackburn to Longridge then through Bleasdale and round to the Trough, coffee in Dunsop Bridge then home via Chipping. It was tough with a stiff NW breeze, chilly at around 6 degrees, 3827 ft of climb and 54.4 miles at 14.4 mph average.

The wind blew me up to the summit of the Trough at around 950 ft then all the way down to Dunsop, scarily fast but at least the roads were mostly dry barring a few big puddles, where I always seemed to meet a car coming the other way.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
20 miles for me this afternoon, to clear the Grappa, Limoncello and Champagne out of my veins from last night.
It was windy and fast with a set of intervals on the return leg. Not the most relaxed of rides, but nice to be out on New Years Day rather than vegitating in front of the goggle box. ^_^

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
It was :sun: today so I took the opportunity to get in my first ride of 2013. It was one of my usual routes with a few detours to get round and look at the flooding, which has gone up since yesterday.

The route was Lyth Hill, Condover, Atcham, Upton Magna, into Shrewsbury via the old canal path and then home after a bit of sightseeing.

I decided to brave riding through one of the shallower bits of flooding in the Quarry which seemed to very much amuse the children in the adjacent playground. :laugh:

On the way home I was slightly annoyed to find a car parked blocking the off-road cycleway beside Roman Road. Driver of Hyundai SP54CVC you are a moron!

I did just over 24 miles at 10.2 mph average (sightseeing doesn't half affect your average speed.^_^ )


Approaching Atcham the road goes through that new lake ahead.


This time the sign really means it.


Still at Atcham, I couldn't resist a better version of the photo I took before Christmas.


In Shrewsbury now. Sydney Avenue is blocked and the houses over the river have a new water feature in their gardens.


St. Julians Friars car park is now also closed, but someone obviously didn't get the message. The water is due to peak later today so they might just get away with it.


Victoria Avenue. I can't get to some of the spots I took pictures from yesterday.


World class procrastinator
10.4 miles today, just round local roads. I had to stop occasionally to wait for hubby. 6 minutes of stopping and waiting all together. It seems to be my lot in life. Took the MTBs today as the roads are horribly muddy round here, also I picked a route that is never too far away from home for when himself wanted to go home. We averaged a staggeringly slow 9.38mph :sad:

We were running out of light and had forgotten to put our big lights on, only had flashers and hi-vis jackets. It was also bloomin' cold out there this afternoon. I am deeply chuffed that I got himself out on the bike today.
10.4 miles today, just round local roads. I had to stop occasionally to wait for hubby. 6 minutes of stopping and waiting all together. It seems to be my lot in life. Took the MTBs today as the roads are horribly muddy round here, also I picked a route that is never too far away from home for when himself wanted to go home. We averaged a staggeringly slow 9.38mph :sad:

We were running out of light and had forgotten to put our big lights on, only had flashers and hi-vis jackets. It was also bloomin' cold out there this afternoon. I am deeply chuffed that I got himself out on the bike today.
Well done on making the effort to get out there.I was out this morning and it was cold.Popped out to shops this afternoon and it was even colder.Still a dry start to the new year!!!!!!!


Careful with that axle Eugene
Went out for a TTT (Tail Toughening Tour) around Bredon Hill which is a bit more than 25 miles. A nice day, if a bit cool, and quite a few jolly cyclists out. I overtook a couple of brand new Treks near Ashton-Under-Hill, very nice they were too. Most enjoyable, and, the TTT bit is working! Less discomfort today than before, I think I'm getting somewhere. ^_^

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
A dozen of us were out today and we decided to head west to Stirling and then Bridge of Allan in the off chance we'd find a cafe but no luck there but it was nice to get a ride in in the dry and lighter winds.

Lighter winds:ohmy:

I was doing ok all the way from Alloa to kinross, heading back to Alloa along the A977 and i really struggled, the head wind was very tough, looked down at the garmin and all i was doing was 12MPH and it was very tough to get into any rhythm, that road doesn`t have any cover..
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