Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Norven Mankey
Testing the Xmas loss of fitness, did the same hilly loop as I did on Dec 23rd...1 minute quicker! Should stick to port and stilton all year round it seems
Flippn' windy mind you, having been blown across from Stalybridge to Holmfirth I grovelled back over via Melthan and Marsden. Cattle grid near top of 10% hill out of Marsden, 30mph headwind...must have been doing all of 4mph over it, a bit dicey.
34 miles, 537 metres climbed, strong winds and mostly sunshine and 124 miles since and including Christmas Day so quite pleased with that as we didn't ride on two days. Had to take a few snaps on what might be the last ride of 2012 although I am thinking of riding into 2013 tomorrow ^_^.

A one mile climb to start proceedings into a headwind

Lovely sunshine and good quiet roads

Need to get up a bit of speed on fixed for this one....

Me heading into the wet bits

Something different

Wonderful light effects [you had to be there]

Three more to follow :smile:.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
34 miles, 537 metres climbed, strong winds and mostly sunshine and 124 miles since and including Christmas Day so quite pleased with that as we didn't ride on two days. Had to take a few snaps on what might be the last ride of 2012 although I am thinking of riding into 2013 tomorrow ^_^.
I recognise some of those places from your forum ride at the start of June. I'll be back for another look in 2013 unless the 'strawberry jam' in my arteries has other ideas! :thumbsup:


34 miles, 537 metres climbed, strong winds and mostly sunshine and 124 miles since and including Christmas Day so quite pleased with that as we didn't ride on two days. Had to take a few snaps on what might be the last ride of 2012 although I am thinking of riding into 2013 tomorrow ^_^.

Wonderful light effects [you had to be there]

Three more to follow :smile:.

Harringworth ? If it is, it's really nice lumpy countryside out there, one of my favourite routes.

For me, just an hour headed east to see what the river Nene's doing.

Under the bike, the river's heavily swollen. Ive just come along the bank to the right which is raised maybe 10 ft. Even so there's 20ft between the bank and the river thats underwater.
To the left, all that water should be fields.

The North Bank which is just around the corner headed towards Whittlesea. Its been closed for ages and the water levels dropped some.
The road's a couple miles long at least, a bad road at the best of times with the unprotected river right next to it ready to catch anyone napping or silly.

I'd normally carry on over the bridge, couple hundred yads up that what is now flooded pathway, then onto Whittlesea...fat chance, the water's about 2ft deep and once round the corner, the path follows lakes and old floodplains, so no doubt its flooded way beyond what i could see..

Just an hour, thoroughly enjoyed it, light headwind homebound, light was falling, temps were just right.
Harringworth ? If it is, it's really nice lumpy countryside out there, one of my favourite routes.
Actually it isn't although I can see why you thought at first it might be, this one is just outside Marefield, a metropolis of 5 or 6 houses :smile:. Also Harringworth is about 5 times longer, I didn't realise until last year it was the longest brick built viaduct in Europe!
Well I did go out today but I did not go far.For the last three weeks I have had some sort of pesky virus which was debilitating but not as bad as the Noravirus that has been circulating so its meant no cycling.
I did about 16 miles which took in Beachy Head and Birling Gap and at 6am in the morning although it was very windy but not too cold it felt so good just to be out on the bike again.
Whilst it was really traffic free I did see three other cyclists sadly of which only one had any lights on.
Its not always convenient for some people but if you can get out of bed early I thoroughly recommend it because it is just so peaceful.

I suppose like many I intend to cycle far more miles in 2013 than I did in 2012.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Nice little social ride today with three pals. Took the lanes around the southern end of the hills to have a look at the ford at Clencher's Mill. The brook was flowing very strongly after all the rain. Nice stop at the Mrs Muffin's cafe and then a return up and over the hills for a 35 miler in great company. Weather behaved too (apart from a bit of a headwind early on).

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Actually it isn't although I can see why you thought at first it might be, this one is just outside Marefield, a metropolis of 5 or 6 houses :smile:. Also Harringworth is about 5 times longer, I didn't realise until last year it was the longest brick built viaduct in Europe!

I'm sure I remember Harringworth from a ride to Nottingham from here I did a while back. I remember some punishing hills over there too - well for a flatlander like me anyway! A fine part of the country though for sure

Another easy amble for me along the Lodes Way hereabouts today. Met up with one of the 'Lodes Way Irregulars' twice (as we were on similar circuits albeit in opposite directions). Some very flooded fields here too, and my bike cleaning efforts proved a bit of a waste of time as I brought half the county back attached to the bike.

Heading home against what I call a 7 mile an hour headwind (i.e. my max speed against the onlsaught) I had a good view of a barn owl on Swaffham Prior Fen and managed a couple of shaky pictures. They have had a bad breeding season around here and the farmer nearby reared two young himself as the adults were unable to find enough prey for them. I suspect this is one of the adults though.

Barn Owl3.jpg
Barn Owl2.jpg
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