Your ride today.... (part 1)

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The Glue that binds us together.
It ain't no better in N London, but tommorrow is looking good.


West Somerset
I've organised a lumpy, bumpy ride for my cycle group tomorrow to kick start the new year so unless my lift changes her mind, today is a rest day. Not that it's miserable out there or anything.... :whistle:


A 16 miler today to take me over 7000 miles for the year. Yay^_^

However, I went through a puddle and the inevitable happened. I was a deep pot hole. Hit it hard at about 20mph. Rim is bent, so ordered a new wheel. Boo:cursing:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I had a gap in the weather so got out this afternoon.:wahhey: It was just a quick run into town to have a look at how the river is doing and to test my repaired speedometer.

As you might expect the Severn is quite high but to be honest with the amount of rain we've had I'd have expected it to be much higher. It was however high enough to force me to reroute at various points.

Each time I rode away from one of the flooded bits after taking a photo someone asked if I'd just ridden through it. I obviously look that daft.:laugh:


Frankwell car park. Shrewsbury is well down on parking spaces with this closed.


The flood barriers are doing their job at Theatre Severn.


Quantum Leap (also known locally as "the slinky") dips it's toes in the water.


On Victoria Avenue I can only go as far as Kingsland Bridge.


Looking across at Shrewsbury School boathouse.


I've taken a tour round town to the weir. Sydney Avenue is not useable.

Today's mileage was 13 and done at a sightseeing speed of 10mph.


Legendary Member
25.6 miles today, the longest ride this year :rolleyes:


A nice but breezy 22 today, blow out the cobwebs and start the year as I'd hope to carry on.
Short on sleep (maybe 10 hours in the last two days) and a stomach full of low value fast food after a hectic day yesterday, a quick beans on toast and away for a steady one at 14 mph average.

Three Buzzard together, definitely not Red Kite that abound round here. A distinct 'peeoow' calling between them as they lazily flapped over.
Then a few miles on, a probable Marsh Harrier. Again, not a Red Kite, I sat and watched him sat in a field at maybe 40 ft away, and too big for a Buzzard, and his wingspan was large and lazy when flapping away. There is a breeding colony circa 15 miles away as the crow flys, so not an unreasonable possibility.

No great mileage, but enjoying some miles in the gap in the cold weather that I hate so much.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Short spin round my "quick " loop of just under 25 miles, everything hurt from the start as i had done a weights session yesterday evening , lunges with dumbells do not make for fresh legs the next day so i was about 1.5 mph below my best for the course average .Bit windy in places, not enough sleep , etc etc ....i.e i am now fat and slow :smile:
Interestingly garmin makes the route shorter but i noticed it does tend to cut the corners a bit ,, i might run it with a standard computer and compare differences.


just back in ,a leisieuerly ride along the canal bank and a bit of road o n the way home ,prob about just 6 mile ,i got a bike for tow paths and stuff ,off of gumtree just before christmas (had to get the wheels trued and a hub repacked).and tdy was really a tester as iv never ridden it before.all performed well .and first time with a triple ,it felt as if the chain had come off!
big difference from my road bike ,i really was struggling to get up any sort of speed much more wind resistance and 38mm tyres as oppossed to 25 mm ,maybe the fact i havent cycled at all for about a fortnight had something to do with it :blush:
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