Your ride today.... (part 1)

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My Armchair
I know I must try harder. There was the opportunity for a gratuitous shot of a homemade fruit flapjack, but I felt it didn't fullfill the necessary "cake" criteria. It was rather nice though. :biggrin:
More training needed C :rolleyes:

Went out on the bike for the first time since finishing work on the 20th Dec, for some reason I thought the TPT would be nice and dry, it wasn't :rain:
Just 18 miles on an errand but quite enjoyed it once my lungs had gotten used to carrying the extra Christmas weight :blush:



West Somerset
For some reason I decided to go for a hilly ride - seemed like a good idea at the time. :scratch: On the plus side, it'll be a good indicator of whether or not I'm improving in a month or so. Have decided to go for it and enter the Exmoor Beauty in April with a friend. She's a much stronger rider than me so I've got a lot to do in the next 16 weeks!

A Cyclist

Über Member
Just 14 miles for the day after 3 weeks break from regular commute. The ride felt tougher with wind and wet roads, not just that, Christmas calories DO count.
It'd been chucking it down all night, it still was in the morning and gale force wind weren't making it look nice and I was thinking it might be a turbo day. Brought up raintoday and whilst it was going to get wetter here it was a bit drier over the Forth Bridge so I headed that way. It was a bit of a crawl south over the bridge into a south south west wind but once heading east :thumbsup: After 30 odd miles I thought I'd better turn back; decided to come back a slightly different way and 66 windy but dry'ish miles later I was home.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Took a turn around the hill yesterday. Lots and lots of water about. Gutter to gutter is several places. No show stoppers tho'. I had a pesky headwind on the southern leg but got the assist when I turned. 39 miles which gave me 2 more than needed for 8000 for the year. Chucking it down again now.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Just over 100k for me today with 400bhp, Zaksdad and The Grimpeur. A flat ride into a brisk headwind out to Wheelock just to the South of Sandbach. Stopped at the cafe at Wheelock farm for a brew and sustenance. Sorry Potsy and Skud no cake (just a bacon and egg barm):whistle: . Then a brisker ride back. The Grimpeur snapped his chain coming out of one of the not flat parts of the "flat" Cheshire plain, but was back on the road within ten minutes. then back through Knutsford and past Tatton Park, with a blast down the Tatton Mile:hyper: . No rain, good company and not too cold. All in all a good ride to finish off 2013.^_^


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Powered by caffeine & whisky
56 miles in strong winds. Met up with a couple of mates and headed into the wind over the Chiltern Hills. Once over Longdown hill, the other side of Gt.Missenden we headed back towards Tring with a tail wind all the way. After a quick stop with what seemed like every other cyclist in Hertfordshire (must of been a couple of club runs taking a break) we carried on for another 20 odd miles.


Legendary Member
21.59 miles today in the sunny windy day, it was nice to see the sun for a change. Today's mileage takes me to a total of 3505.29 for the year from the 19th March.

I wonder if I can fit in 1500 miles between now and the 19th march 2013?


Proud Daddy
went on a nice 'easy' skyride with the folks in bournemouth. Down to sandbanks and across the ferry at a very sedate pace... this lasted about 10 miles until the hill going up into studland when I decided to put the hammer down a bit, then 2 joined me to swanage at a much faster pace. then a mate had the bright idea of going back home around the other side of the harbour making out it was much more sensible than going all the way back to bournemouth.. I thought 'yeah why not, sounds sensible to me', I wanted a gentle ride to get my legs together after yet another virus.

all went well until he shouted, 'left here!' and took us up the langton matravers cat 4 climb :wacko: I was ill-prepared in the nutrition and water department for such a detour! Anyway, finished up fine on 44 miles that felt like 74. It was massively windy in places, and very little of it on the tail! Despite only averaging 15ish (I was towing some slower riders for a lot of the front half at 12mph) it felt like a hard ride with me still recovering and ending up dehydrated.
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