Your ride today.... (part 1)

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The Borough
Did you go through the valley past Woldingham School, I used to like it through there.
Yes - I was curious to try the path having seen it on a map. It was not clear to me about right of way for bikes until having past the school and there appearing sign-posts for a national cycle route... The slightly bleak weather made me feel like I could have been a long way from London - a very peaceful secluded small valley. I shall return on a warmer day.


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
Just a slow, easy ride on the roadie for me today. It was windy on the way home, so I changed down, sat up and looked at the view. Then I stopped to take a photo of the view, turned around and saw this:


I've never been any good at catching those "quirky" photos, so I was quite pleased with myself.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Met up with an old friend and got covered in mud on a couple of hired mountain bikes on The Marin Trail. Not my normal riding but good fun, lots of climbing and great views.
No cake photos for Potsy or Skud just bikes views and muddy riders.


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Norven Mankey
Busy family day so planned a quick blast up the Snake Pass and back down again. Got about 1/3 of the way up and it suddenly got really misty. No lights and it would only get worse nearer the top so turned round and had a potter around Glossop. Gave it full gas up a couple of climbs and was pleased to be as quick as I was per-Xmas. Obviously haven't eaten/drank enough so intend to rectify that this afternoon


Legendary Member
The enemy and I road a wet, drizzly and muddy 21.1 miles this morning. Will it ever stop raining? Will we ever see the sun again? Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of...Soap.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
A very windy 16 mile loop (my 19 mile loop is flooded) - managed a wind assisted 26mph in one direction on a flat (like we have hills ^_^) sort of 10 ish against the wind.
Fields, edges of roads, drains/dykes/culverts/ditches [ insert your name for them] full to brimming, lage areas of fields flooded ...
wasn't last year the drieset, the year before the coldest, whats next year!?!
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