Your ride today.... (part 1)

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West Somerset
Your pithed, and put them on back to front
I did that with my PJs last night. And I've not had a drink since, erm, Christmas 2011. :blush:
Just a short slow ride for me today, the weather conditions were near perfect for a change (no wind and only surface water). It was pretty atmospheric up the top of Knockhill just as I was thinking about taking a pic a mate I hadn't seen for a while went by and it was either a pic or good company; I opted for the latter. When I got back another mate had snapped it from further round the valley, his phone is better than mine too :smile:


Legendary Member
Started off just wanting to do a quick 14 miles today, but I kept adding a mile here and there, ended up doing 27.34 miles on the Hybrid today. Nice it was too until it started to rain.
Impossible to post yesterday, so anyway we went out and guess what? No flying pigs, some pigging big hills though. Wet, wet, wet pedalling underwater and hitting potholes concealed by said water. A modest 43 miles before Christmas dinner and 10 mins to get the bikes clean and lubed ready for the next wet outing.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
20 miles of huffing and puffing

I did twenty four miles and met this huffer and puffer half way round. It was nice to be out and about.



I did twenty four miles and met this huffer and puffer half way round. It was nice to be out and about.

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Thats wierd ?? i mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago, miles from anywhere, i passed a model traction engine with trailer, with someone (a lady in my case) sat in the near you though.

For me today. 20 miles at 15 mph average. Hills are hard work for me now, but still soon recover once topped.
Ironic, its been fair to middling all day, had lunch at my daughters, then home and get ready for a ride. As soon as i stepped out, i could feel spots of rain. Ah what the hell, it'll probably soon pass. got steadily worse, but never heavy, nevertheless the roads soon got progressively wetter...and so did i.
Amazing how wet you can get in what really amounts to drizzle.

Bikes now paper towelled down, everythjing was soaked, my poor BB must have taken gallons and gallons of water chucked at it.


Well-Known Member
did a 15 mile roll around the marshes in Pevensey. good to get out , but water laying everywhere.
wetter than an otters pocket:laugh:


Legendary Member
35 miles late morning/early afternoon today in a rare period of dry and sunny weather before heading off to another family engagement.

Load of cyclists (mainly solo) out today and, judging by the machinery, the local Specialized dealer had a very god December!


The Borough
A few hours going south to the North Downs, Ups, Downs, Ups, etc and then back. First time up Succomb's Hill, first time past Woldingham School and soon after it started getting wet but a nice tail wind coming home.
You know you were really wet when your clothes are drier when coming out of the washing machine than when they went in...
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