Your ride today.... (part 1)

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53 miles the journey, Willoughby the destination, on holiday until after Xmas, with a new set of wheels to try out and the day to myself, so once I had dropped the Wife off at the hairdressers it was off home a quick change and out on the bike, once I had dropped off an Xmas card to a mate I headed to Willoughby, it was dry but wet under foot, some flooding round the rivers and streams and there was a strong wind blowing but it was a nice ride down and the new wheels were nice to ride, the cafe is on the A45 and it is an old style transport cafe, just after I arrived one of the club lads and his wife show up so we have a gossip before going our separate ways, lovely ride back only slightly spoilt by a puncture, my second one this year and the first one on the fixed, so another excellent morning out on the bike.


Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I had my first ride out for nearly a fortnight today. Nothing terribly special - the loop round Condover, Atcham, Uffington, through Shrewsbury & home.

I had to ride through a couple of small floods and if we get the rainfall expected over the next few days I think it will become a bit more notable.

No idea of the speed or exact distance today as the little reed switch in my speedometer has broken, but I did get some pictures:


The two bridges at Atcham.


Atcham again. Fields have become lakes.


Sydney Avenue, Shrewsbury. It doesn't need to come up much more to cover the road.


No chance of using the river towpath today.
We were getting Bacon, Egg and Sausage Jumbo Baps delivered to the office this morning so I thought I'd better build up an appetite.
Then I thought I'd better burn it off. With traffic, lights and getting stuck behind a learner I only averaged 13.7mph on the 5 miles out :sad: , so I had to up the pace on the return and averaged 17.2mph for that given that I was on the heavy SS the roll must have been good :thumbsup:
The short PM commute though is unlikely to burn of the calories of tonight's Christmas party. It was satisfying cruising through the jams :rolleyes:


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
I feel a bit guilty posting this because most of you are having such horrid weather, but I thought you might appreciate a bit of sunshine.


From yesterday's ride rather than today's. The town where I live seen from about 500m above, on my way up the mountains.

It was a hard ride with a lot of climbing but, not satisfied I'd worn myself out enough, I decided to go up there again today. Now I'm definitely worn out, and ready for a "rest day" on the road bike tomorrow.
Wet. Been so soggy up in N Shropshire - S Cheshire that abandoned any thoughts of using the Defy Roadie. Pumped up the hybrid tyres, took off a pannier bag, mounted a second front light and went out into the rain. Headed S for a favourite caff with the intentions of doubling back before then, but in the end stuck with Plan A. Up to 18" of water in places, frequent flooded roads to 4", water running off the fields and along the lanes. Mud and debris everywhere. Bacon and egg sarnie and tea at the turn, and picked up some 26 x 1.3 Contis and a new rear light at the Whitchurch LBS on the way home. 32 miles. Nice. Must sort the front disc brake. Useless.
Until the roads are cleaner the Defy stays in its nice warm garage.


Lovely dry and mild morning so on with the Santa`s hat and with tinsel on the bike I set off. To meet the Havering CTC group and to ride with them for a few miles before turning off and heading for Langdon Hills for a cuppa with the Becontree Wheelers. On the way home found a few floods so nice wet feet, but very happy with my 25 miles ride as it the best I`ve done for 8 weeks!


Grimpeur des terrains plats
A nice change, a ride in daylight!

The fields are as flooded as I've seen them before, though the rather 'strong' wind may help dry out things a bit

The only problem with daylight was seeing how dirty my bike was, well it got a clean & lube for Xmas


Middle aged bald git.
5 weeks since my recumbent arrived and another good trip out today. We cycled out to Burnham Market (Little Chelsea!) it was so windy we were half blown there and arrived too early for anywhere to be open for the obligatory coffee and cake - so we continued on to Burnham Deepdale for replenishments.
The trip back was much slower against the wind - it was so windy that I even had to keep pedaling downhill or would have come to a standstill. Towards the end of our trip I was getting slight cramp in my quads,and realised that I had my 2nd pair of SPD shoes on and had not adjusted the cleats. (I was reading a thread in the recumbent section and some bent riders were suggesting moving the cleats further back than you would on a standard bike - so I tried when I got cramp a few weeks ago and have been better since)
Today we covered 52 miles (fueled by a latte, a cappuccino and a slice of bakewell tart) with an average speed of 11.3 mph (not fast - but the wind really took it out of us) Best of all still no shoulder pain when on the bent.:dance:
Character building ride today, set off for The Vale of Belvoir with the sun occasionally showing itself but the wind was was trying to prove that anyone silly enough to ride even semi deep section rims :whistle: was going to struggle to hold a straight line. Eight miles in and there is a very small puddle to negotiate, so in the interests of getting a good picture I volunteered dr_pink to ride ahead so I could see how deep it was get a photo, 1-0 to me. Unfortunately whilst I was faffing with the camera I didn't notice how deep it actually was, so after taking the pic I followed looking smug.........................and found myself pedalling under water. When I got through I asked why she hadn't said it was that deep, to which the reply was, "you didn't ask",
2-1 to dr_pink.
The tea shop when we eventually got there was shut :cry: so I decided in my wisdom to save a few miles by going up through Old Dalby, 15% climb into a bloody gale and very nearly had to walk, how I got up that I will never know. Very, tired when we got back but what a ride.


Anyone in the area of Holmes Chapel Christmas Day morning we will be out riding in that vicinity.
Happy Christmas.
Wet & Windy sums up my ride today; the met says it was 32mph with 47mph gusts, only 4 of us were out but I was glad it was strong riders that took most of the wind; especially when I p'tured just before the turn. It was a circular route, coming back was fun and the 36mph wind assisted descent brought the average up to 17.5mph :smile:
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