Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Senior Member
First try at 8.15 had me fall off twice on sheet ice, 20 mph and 16 mph, bent mech hangar tore jersey and a few bruises. Got mrs endo to come and get me as there was no way I could get back up the hill I had just slid down! Took dog out, mended bike, and did 40 odd hilly miles after lunch, decent ride in the end.


Its been so nice here, maybe 7 degrees and sunny although damp. Took the same route from two weeks ago when a guy told me the road was completely flooded about a mile further up. Two weeks later...its still flooded, but passable. Nice quick 20 miles before dinner, good job i took sunglasses, low sun woulda given me a headache i fear.
Not so much mileage for me nowadays, so it was good to get out there.


West Somerset
37 miles round one of my favourite loops, though an impromptu detour early in the ride was a bad idea - I'd forgotten quite how steep the hill is and my legs refused to behave. All the hills after that were a bit of a chore but that was the only one that beat me. :evil: I got lucky with the weather as well - for the first time in ages, the Met Office got it wrong and the rain didn't start until I was safely back home, locking the bike up. :becool:

Hip Priest

Took the road bike out for its final outing of 2012. A quick blast round my 35 mile flattish training route. It started well, with lightly damp roads and I was making good time, but eight miles in I had to start taking it easy as Northumberland was covered in ice and frost.

Bike 2.jpg

Then, 5 miles from home I got my first puncture in ages.

All in all I've done 70 miles this weekend, which leaves me two commutes off my mileage target. A week or so ago I thought it was slipping out of my grasp, so I'm made up to have pulled it back.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I don't usually post on here but i have to have a grumble about my confrontation this afternoon. All i did was ask some silly cow to hold her dog(wandering round on a road) as i passed. She didn't, it lunged at me, i gave it the sole of my shoe, she called me a t..t and a c..t!!:ohmy: Threatening to t..t me as well! Then she gave it the to be expected "you ~@!# don't pay road tax so @~#! off!! All of this was done while she had what must have been a no older than 1 year old baby in a pram!:thumbsdown:


Middle aged bald git.
39 miles today. Sunshine and little wind (despite Friday's curry! ;) ) Headed to Castle Acre for coffee and a very good slab of Victoria Sponge. Re seated the rear tyre before we left - but still getting a bump bump bump and on closer inspection the wheel has a flat spot. I said to my friend that I thought it would need a new wheel.....and he replied I've got a spare one at home....result! Quite a hilly ride today (by Norfolk standards) but my speed on the bent has increased from 9.9mph to 12mph over 3 weeks. I only averaged 14mph on my DF's I'm getting there.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Fine ride if not a bit cold, the puncture fairy struck, though luckily within a mile of home
those schwalbe marathon + may be hard to puncture, even harder to get the thorn out when embeded in the tyre:sweat:
29 miles today, with my first play in the mud in years. Nice cuppa and Twix at Wigfield Farm. Loved it but am knackered now!

BTW There's a Black VW Passat Rotherham taxi whose put little devil horns and a pitchfork on his VW logo. Seems he likes teaching cyclists lessons. Give him some abuse from me if you see him.


Just a short spin of 11 miles to post a couple of nearly forgotten Christmas cards, nice bit of sunshine but the lanes were very busy with speeding delivery vans!


Cycling Skoda lover
On my commute today i came across this very sad looking SAAB parked under the Bridgewater canal near Lymm.The owner had ignored the "Road Closed" sign due to flooding and tried to drive through the "Puddle" under the bridge,a chap walking down from the canal side house told me at 6pm last night the water was over the roof :eek: I somehow think the insurance might not pay up and i still think it was playing fish tank so i guess it is now a dead SAAB !
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