Your ride today.... (part 1)

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a 16 mile offroad ride across the park and canal paths.... was all going well, until i came down a gentle sloping left hander..... wet leaves and my front wheel went. landed on my side and damaged the bar end slightly - but lucky to come off unscathed.

be careful out there....

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I went on a slightly longer route today, taking in The Quarry in Shrewsbury, Upton Magna, Wroxeter, Cressage, Cound Moor, Acton Burnell, Longnor, Condover and Lyth Hill.

The ride didn't start out that well. There are hawthorn cuttings left all over the cycleway near Bayston Hill and a diesel spillage all down Copthorne Road. It was :rain: when I got to the Quarry and the gates on the riverside path have been closed and locked despite the river not being in flood.:cursing: (I lifted the bike over and carried on anyway.:giggle: )

Once out of town things were a bit better, with just the mud on the lanes to contend with and I could enjoy the ride..... at least until Cressage where I turned towards the wind which was picking up a bit by now.

The rest of the ride was very hard work due to fighting against the wind (17mph gusting to 36mph recorded according to the met office) so I was quite glad to get back.

I did 34.4 miles at an average of 11.5mph, which I think is quite surprising considering how slow I was later on.

Crossing the A5. Sunshine lights up the Wrekin between the showers.


The new build Roman villa at Wroxeter. This little village was once Viroconium, the 4th largest Roman city in Britain


En route to Cressage. Looking at the Wrekin end-on this time.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Went out with the Wheelers today. Only my second ride with them. I found it a bit quick on the way out (B group) and was glad of the tea stop. I quite often struggle first thing in the morning. Got my act together after that and did some big turns on the front into a tough headwind. 63 miles at the end. We did pass a decommissioned one of these which stands at the corner of Wellesbourne airfield.
today was my 3rd group ride with the local club and i went down on a badly relaid country road (paying too much attention to rear wheel i was following) ive got a sprained wrist and bruised thigh, bikes got a bust derailleur hanger and the brake/gear changer is miss-shaped (why are they so exspensive?)
anyway could have been worse and i enjoyed the first 30miles

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
to was my 3rd group ride with the local club and i went down on a badly relaid country road (paying too much attention to rear wheel i was following) ive got a sprained wrist and bruised thigh, bikes got a bust derailleur hanger and the brake/gear changer is miss-shaped (why are they so exspensive?)
anyway could have been worse and i enjoyed the first 30miles :smile:
Get well soon - don't be put off tho'. It is good fun!!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
today was my 3rd group ride with the local club and i went down on a badly relaid country road (paying too much attention to rear wheel i was following) ive got a sprained wrist and bruised thigh, bikes got a bust derailleur hanger and the brake/gear changer is miss-shaped (why are they so exspensive?)
anyway could have been worse and i enjoyed the first 30miles
:ohmy: Not good at all! I hope it feels better soon. Yes it's pricey but the bike is fixable - get back out there as soon as you can.:thumbsup:


Middle aged bald git.
today was my 3rd group ride with the local club and i went down on a badly relaid country road (paying too much attention to rear wheel i was following) ive got a sprained wrist and bruised thigh, bikes got a bust derailleur hanger and the brake/gear changer is miss-shaped (why are they so exspensive?)
anyway could have been worse and i enjoyed the first 30miles

Hope you weren't too far from home.. and your bike repairs are not too exorbitant.

I went for my 4th ride out on my new (to me) Linear recumbent. Loving the fact that I can cycle again despite shot shoulders. I have lost some of my fitness after a few months out of the saddle but today we managed 42 miles to Hunstanton and back despite it being quite breezy. One of my cycling companions is a new returner to cycling and his previous best with us was 20 miles so we really put him through the mill today.....but me too! The bent does not climb hills very well - but much of this is "the engine" I must say I'm very grateful for 2 consecutive reasonable weekends as I have now clocked up just over 110 miles over this and last weekend. I swapped my rear tyre yesterday for a Schwalbe Marathon as the one on the bike was disintegrating with age and I didn't fancy fixing a puncture, but I obviously didn't bed the tyre correctly as when cycling along I could feel bump bump bump. I decided to ignore it until I got home as I doubt that my on the road pump would achieve much more than 40 -60psi and that wouldn't be too good on the bent as so much weight is on the rear wheel. Both my cycling companions had a puncture - so good job we carry spare tubes etc.
In theory when riding a bent, being nearer to centre of gravity, balance should be easier - but because you are parked in a big supportive and comfy seat you cannot move much to counter- balance. Today though I really enjoyed our trip out and am growing more confident each trip out.


Über Member
First ride on new bike and first time out for a couple of weeks. 31 miles and smashed some PRs on Strava. Those turbo sessions must be paying off.

Very windy though.

Deleted member 1258

Went out with the Wheelers today. Only my second ride with them. I found it a bit quick on the way out (B group) and was glad of the tea stop. I quite often struggle first thing in the morning. Got my act together after that and did some big turns on the front into a tough headwind. 63 miles at the end. We did pass a decommissioned one of these which stands at the corner of Wellesbourne airfield.

Where was your teastop? I was over Earlswood today, I've used both the Wellesbourne Airfield Cafe and the Cafe at the garden Centre across from Charlecote Park, though that one was under new management and being refurbished last time I was there.


West Somerset
today was my 3rd group ride with the local club and i went down on a badly relaid country road (paying too much attention to rear wheel i was following) ive got a sprained wrist and bruised thigh, bikes got a bust derailleur hanger and the brake/gear changer is miss-shaped (why are they so exspensive?)
anyway could have been worse and i enjoyed the first 30miles

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Where was your teastop? I was over Earlswood today, I've used both the Wellesbourne Airfield Cafe and the Cafe at the garden Centre across from Charlecote Park, though that one was under new management and being refurbished last time I was there.

I think it was the garden centre. It was called the Stratford Garden Centre. It was OK. Nice chocolate muffin. Don't know it around there at all. I was impressed by the Elizabethan Manor tho'. We went up a bit of a long drag from the airfield to the garden centre if that makes any sense

Deleted member 1258

I think it was the garden centre. It was called the Stratford Garden Centre. It was OK. Nice chocolate muffin. Don't know it around there at all. I was impressed by the Elizabethan Manor tho'. We went up a bit of a long drag from the airfield to the garden centre if that makes any sense

I think I know the one you mean, there are a couple of Garden Centres with that name, I've been passed it many times but never been in, The Elizabethan Manor is Charlecote House., lovely place to visit, but not a lot there, or there wasn't last time we visited.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
66 miles with the medium group as usual with mercia CC heading into cannock chase ,stopped at the birches forest centre for the cake stop.
The weather was not icey but nasty showers driven by that wind , i looked dirtier than some of the MTBers at the cake stop even with full gaurds :smile:
had to take a detour onto the raised path when we found a flooded section under a railway bridge .
TBH i think i will try the fast boys again next year as i spend a good percentage of the time at the front so i hope if thats so i can hang onto the tails of the chain gang.On hills i am always in the top 3 depending on who turns up.Could be the fact i ahve lost 5-6 pounds in the last few months so i can take hills a bit easier.
brockton hill was fun, not really steep but loong ...
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