Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Cycling Skoda lover
When you have a partner who suffers from Raynauds, today perhaps wasn't the ideal one to go riding, we did however push along at a good pace and managed just under 40 miles. Every time the road went down into a shady dip so did the temperature, 4 hours after the ride her hands are just getting back to normal.
At least you got out,well done and hope all is well ^_^
54.1 miles. I went out with the club but had a slight tumble and kicked myself for being so stupid as to not listen to what has turned out to be my own prescient advice - namely, don't ride with any hint of ice around. Luckily I was going very slowly and the rest of the ride was fine.


Horrible wind today, but it cheered up just I was getting towards home.


Über Member
out from Preston south to lanes west of Eccleston. Took the fixed as I was worried about ice - and there was plenty of it about. Did about 30 miles total. Didn't eat at all and got a bit spaced out on the homeward leg. Feet slowly went numb. Saw 5 other cyclists in total. Nice sunny day but cold. Going out south and back north turned out to be wise as I had the low winter sun on my back on the way home.


Legendary Member
45 miles today.

I feel a bit self righteous about today's ride though, it was to run an errand and to collect something that I would normally use the car to do, but today I rode instead. Where's the smug smiley?

It was nice too, a new route, the sun was out, very little wind, av sp 16.9, bacon sarny, cup o splosh, what's not to like.
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