Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A quick run out to Acton Burnell and back for me this afternoon. Just over 19 miles at just under 12mph (11.97 according to my calculations:dry:)

On the way out I helped rescue a chap in a Renault Espace who'd got his car wedged on the verge and couldn't move. He was getting extremely stressed out about it so it was nice to do a good deed.:angel:

The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful but it got pretty cold once the sun started to set.

Just the one picture today. It was a bit too dark for photography really, but I liked this silhouette of The Lawley, Caer Caradoc and the edge of the Long Mynd against the fading light:


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
A 35 mile charity ride from Bangor to Rhyl to raise funds for the flood victims at St Asaph. There were about 12 of us and some were novice cyclists so hats off to them for completing it.

SS Retro

Well-Known Member
South Lakes
25miles loop around the back lanes and coast road between Ulverston, Roa island and Barrow-in-Furness South Cumbria. Including a mile or so walk along a road completely frozen with sheet ice at 10:30am even though it was bright sunshine. Good chat with a cyclist at Roa Island whilst having a stop, found out he lives round the corner from me so we rode home together talking bikes, good couple of hours out. :smile:


No ride today, despite the temperature not getting above -2 all day the local roads seem to have been "treated" with something to make it more icy rather than anything which might have an impact on making them less hazardous. :wacko: Oh well.


West Somerset
Hope you freeze to your saddle tonight. :tongue:
I went on a shortened PCC Early Birds this morning it was a really nice day :sun:so I went for another ride, fought the headwind quite well I thought; picked up a slow p'ture and didn't see the benefit of it. Stupidly :shy: , I thought if I stop to fix it I'd finish in the dark and I could fix it at home, so I pressed on until it came unbearable. I was just saying the other day I was due a visit. After I fixed it my speed nearly doubled, if I'd done it straight away I probably would have saved 30minutes :rolleyes:


Grimpeur des terrains plats
18.5 miles - night ride

the very long 'puddle' on one of the back lanes i'd been avoiding driving through was still there...

i found out :rain:
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