Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Working this morning, asleep some of the afternoon, i was going to have an hour on the turbo while the wife's out this evening, then thought...MTFU and get out on the bike.
God i hate the cold, but have finally gone some of the way to fending it off.
An hour this evening round town, 2 degrees C and a light wind is more than cold enough, frost is developing on car windscreens, but Aldi leg warmers under my Bikesters, normal socks plus thermal socks plus Chili Extreme boots, a pair of lobster motorcycling gloves and some clear cycling glasses to keep the cold off the eyeball...i was for the first time almost ever in this kind of weather...warm ^_^
Just an hour at no great pace, but very worthwhile.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Fitted a new brifter to my carbon bike and retaped the bars so only managed to squeeze in a 25 mile loop this afternoon. Cut through Knutsford and Tatton Park. Back just as the light started to fade. Quite cool so tried to keep a reasonable pace. Suprisingly few cyclists out and about.
Only just got back from Cambridge so too late now to get a decent sleep and the roads are already icy so not going to make it this time. Have a great ride everyone and stay safe out there, hope we can do the next one. Look forward to any pictures.
Edit - posted in error in wrong thread, too damn tired, that plus codeine..........but, but going out much later today when it has warmed up slightly :smile:

Deleted member 1258

Middleton Hall the destination, 57 miles the journey, a cold slow hard Sunday morning out on the bike in bright sunshine, great fun



World class procrastinator
I did a couple of laps of Barnham Broom today, I didn't want to go far as the day hadn't got above freezing but the sun was shining, which helped a lot. I did a little over 10 miles, very slowly as one of the back roads (mistake going down it and I should have known better) was not too bad on the way down the hill but once around the bend it was as icy as anything so I stuck to the middle of the road, where the rougher surface was and carefully and slowly went along it. When I hit Barnham Broom for the 2nd time I decided to ride home on the back road via Barford as I really didn't want to go back right then, even though my feet were freezing.

Home now with a nice cuppa, about to have a bath but waiting until my feet defrost.

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Just 42 kms today but two things went wrong.
First I tried a steep hill a bit too soon after my dinner and I felt crap for 20mins.. the other is I finding it hard to get the layers right in the cold weather..
All a big learning curve.. but I'm getting there.


Senior Member
22 miles, I choose a flat route today as I'd not been out for two weeks. I wore two pairs of socks and a base layer, fffffffreezing!

Stuck to back roads so there was more frost and icy puddles, better that than the main roads with drivers squinting into the low sun.


Middle aged bald git.
Another 19 miles on the bent today. A little faster than yesterday(average 10.3mph) but the roads were icy and that's my excuse. I am finding taking hills on the bent a bit of a struggle - engage granny gear early and crawl - whereas on my Triban (when I could ride it) I felt like I could attack hills. I had a small tumble today - overcooked a left hand turn, no ice involved. The good thing is, being so close to the ground already, it really was the most gentle tumble I have ever had. Was a bit embarrassing though because feeling more confident than yesterday (and wanting to put my overshoes on) I put my SPD's on for today's ride - but didn't manage to unclip my right foot when I toppled over. Then I couldn't get into an adequate position to twist my foot and couldn't push myself up due to my crappy shoulders.......managed to release myself eventually. No injuries to me or the Linear and again returned home without any shoulder pain. Roll on next weekend:smile:


Growing Old is Compulsory...Growing Up is Optional
Managed a 16.5 mile ride today, first time out in months due to illness......well that blew a few cobwebs out ^_^ Cold Icy and FUN :cold:

Note to self....either stay on the gritted roads and put up with the spray, or get off my lazy ass and swop the slicks for wets :biggrin:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Today's ride was a variation of the one I did last sunday - into Shrewsbury, round the Quarry, along the path to Uffington, through Upton Magna and Atcham, then back via Condover & Lyth Hill.

I was curious to see what the river level was like and found that all of the riverside path was clear of the water but hasn't been cleaned yet so there is quite a thick coating of silt on the bits that were flooded last week (oh, and the gates by the weir are still locked, which was inconvenient).

Nearing Attingham Park I found there had been an event on today and there was a stream of cars trying to get out of the estate and down towards the main road at Atcham. As there was nothing coming the other way I was able to nip past the 1/2 mile of almost stationary traffic.:biggrin:

The trip was 21.5 miles at an average of 11.5mph. Could have been faster - I blame the cold weather.:whistle:


Ignoring the road closed signs. I'm a bad boy.;)


Boreton ford. The floods have receded but look how high the debris was washed. I reckon it would have been about 6 feet deep at the peak.:eek:
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