Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Not every ride's a race you know :rolleyes:
Me and Skud like the more leisurely rides to Tatton :girl:


tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
Out nice and early this morning, the sun was out and scotland, it was a nippy morning...managed 75 miles

went from alloa to stirling, stirling to drymen then i went over the pipe track over to aberfoyle, from aberfoyle it was up over the dukes pass to callender, from callender to doune, then it was doune to dunblane then it wa bacl home

here`s the ride


Über Member
A test ride on the CX to see it's working alright for tomorrow's race in Manchester - which will be a total mudfest. Glad I did as the rear brake pads are down to the metal housings so will replace them tonight. Saw a lovely Pedersen bike when walking to the shops earlier. Would have chatted to the rider but he moved off through a green light before I could get over to him.

Nearly there

A newish route for me which I had to cut short due to being called by the missus to get my arse home as we are having a family day:scratch:so a planned 45 miles ended up as 30 but I still enjoyed it and got 2 PR on strava ^_^


The Glue that binds us together.
44 mile ride today, looking for a new route, ended up at Chipping Ongar, nice ride apart from a couple of miles on a busy A road, and a bit of cyclecross down a gravel road, was a bit worried about the tyres but they survived, the route is looking to be a good one when we find the right roads, plenty of hills so am very happy with it.
Disappointing ride this morning. Groin started to tighten up after about 8 miles so ride was cut short and only did about half of the intended 30 miles.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Just a short ride today into Shrewsbury and around the Quarry. I've got a bit of a bug so 11.5 miles was plenty for me this time.

It's a bit frustrating as today has been the nicest cycling weather for ages here but I don't feel well enough to make the most of it.:sad:


Senior Member
South Shropshire
Just short of 10Miles today, was only going to be a few miles as I'd only popped to the shops to get some nappies (not for me) but it was such a nice day we took the long route home. Would've been perfect had it not been for the gimp that decided not to wait for me to pass before reversing out of his drive. I gotta say, heavy braking with the trailer on is not for the faint hearted, especially not downhill from 20mph. Anyways, he just managed to not kill me and I just managed to not kick the back of his car.

However, he then pulled into the next turning and parked to go to the shop. Being the kind soul I am I pulled up next to his door:
Me (smiling and in a pleasant tone) -'Did you really just reverse out in front of me to drive 100yards to the shop?'
Him - 'I'm going to Wellingborough'
Me - 'Seriously, that's what you took from that question?'
Queue him and his female passenger insisting that they had plenty of room and that i should 'do one' before he 'gets out and decks me'.
I thanked him for threatening me and moved off to write his reg down (phone crapped out so didn't get it but will wander round later to write it down, yes it was that close to home). With that he reversed out of the road without looking and disappeared. He didn't even get what he wanted from the shop .. bless him.

Lovely day though.
Not every ride's a race you know :rolleyes:
Me and Skud like the more leisurely rides to Tatton :girl:
I don't often write up a ride in here but today was my first ride post accident in 7 weeks, never been off the bike that long before so it was with a bit of trepidation that I [and dr_pink of course] went out with the slower leisurely Saturday morning club run. The biggest problem was trying to look behind with a limited range of neck movements, anyway did 25 miles which I was pleased with [8 weeks ago I wouldn't even have classed that as a warm up].
Went for a walk after in the warm sun in Oakham and by the time I got home I was in agony with my neck. I'm hoping that was just because I tried to kook backwards a lot? Any Physios out there? PM me rather than derailing this thread. At least the Strava threads make me laugh.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I don't often write up a ride in here but today was my first ride post accident in 7 weeks, never been off the bike that long before so it was with a bit of trepidation that I [and dr_pink of course] went out with the slower leisurely Saturday morning club run. The biggest problem was trying to look behind with a limited range of neck movements, anyway did 25 miles which I was pleased with [8 weeks ago I wouldn't even have classed that as a warm up].
Went for a walk after in the warm sun in Oakham and by the time I got home I was in agony with my neck. I'm hoping that was just because I tried to kook backwards a lot? Any Physios out there? PM me rather than derailing this thread. At least the Strava threads make me laugh.
I'm glad to hear that you are finally back on a bike, TF! I've had neck problems like that and they are a damn nuisance on the bike. I just put up with them and they eventually went away, but I'm sure that treatment or advice from a good physio would speed the process up.

By the time I eventually get back on a bike, my range will probably be 2.5 miles rather than 25, but we all have to start somewhere, eh? :thumbsup:
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