Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
joined the cc ride to bexhill from lewes today...nice cappocinno and cake...shame about the rain...train was fun though lol!


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
A 55 mile trip from home to Box Hill and back with Arallsopp and Mista Preston of this parish.
Left home just after 7.30 and got to Box Hill for 9am for a cuppa and bacon roll at Ryka's Cafe.

Picked up from home, and delivered 45 miles later to a locked door. Damn. Family gone out. And although the distance is more than I normally put in on these things, I'm back 2 hours earlier than normal(!)

Took a chance to even the numbers up a little, so rode:
  • another 2 miles to see if Mista Preston's wife was still parked up outside church (thereby verifying his good timekeeping)
  • whether an up and over of The Avenue and Mead Way are quicker than two high streets and a descent (it is)
  • around in circles until the family returned (which, to be fair, was within a few minutes of waiting).
So, 50 miles for me :smile:

Cheers guys.

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Early morning ride yesterday, out for 7:50 a.m , it was very fresh but bright and dry!, managed 18.4 miles in an hour and 20 mins. Hard at times but enjoyable none the less. Hopefully next time i will have company!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
It stopped lashing down with rain here at about 4pm so I was able to get a quick ride in. I intended to do my current favourite route out to Acton Burnell but things didn't quite go to plan.

It started off okay - I went over Lyth Hill on the way out, then dropped down to Condover where I found a flood on the way in to the village. This was just a little one so it didn't slow me too much.

Lyth Hill - looking moody over the Long Mynd.


First flood of the trip.

The other side of Condover was a different story. The road to Dorrington was quite deeply flooded so I had to abandon the idea of heading out that way. I decided to head towards Pitchford instead as I knew I could take an alternative route back.


The Dorrington road at Condover Bridge

Cound Brook is quite full.

There were a couple of floods on this road but nothing spectacular so I continued through Acton Burnell and headed for Longnor via Frodesley, where I encountered yet another flood.

As I approached, a guy in a Mondeo was driving through the water. Just as I got close the car dropped on to 3 cylinders and started emitting plumes of white "smoke" from the exhaust. Oops - I think you've just hydraulic'd the engine mate.:stop: He looked as though he was going to pull over and check it out, but obviously decided against it as he carried on with one sick sounding motor and a smoke screen that James Bond would be proud of!


Where the Mondeo failed - I don't fancy this one, time for another route

More or less at this point I thought it was a good idea to try another route home and headed for the direct route from Frodesley to Condover. I knew it was a risk as it goes into a dip and sure enough there was deep water across the road at the old ford.

Being a ford there is a footbridge to the side of the road and as there is only about an inch of water on the approach I go for it as it's a choice of this or going back the way I came which will be a good five miles further. Unfortunately, the approach the other side of the bridge goes into a big dip which I can't tell under the silty water and I cycle straight into it.:eek: The water didn't quite come up to my knees but wasn't far off.:crazy:

I don't have any pictures of the site of my misfortune as I was too busy going :cursing:.

The ride back was via the shortest route possible and hopefully my shoes will recover from being soaked.:whistle:


Just my commute today a mesely 10miles round trip :sad: stil,l there was a reasonable amount of rain though yet to see the proper stuff this season. Was overdressed for both rides, so never really got up to speed, really must think twice before putting the bow tie on. All said , its nice to be out!


Legendary Member
After spending two weeks going up and down the Canal du Midi over in there in that French France on my hybrid in the lovely sunny sunshine, I went out on my roady today, in the blumen cold blumen bluddy wind. I nearly gave up, but in the end I did 30 miles, I rode down Brill hill with the wind behind me and clocked 41.2 mph. That flippin fast on a tupperware bike!


Got home and changed in 5 mins flat. Hmmm 3 laps of my training loop ...... Head wind on my road (usually 20mph) , was doing 16mph and peddling like crazy. Traffic around the village was appalling, as all the M25 crew were visiting (M25 was goosed), ok never mind - keep going kid ..... and then the heavens opened just as i passed my house on lap 2.

Shamed to say i stopped and went inside after just 6 miles in 24 minutes :hangsheadinshame


Oddly chuffed that I managed to get lost on way home :smile: took the back roads home instead of riding on the A38. Managed to loose one of my gloves, but it all worked out ok? as I found one of the gloves I lost the other day. They don't match but are left and right! :smile: Was nice to be on tranquil, traffic free country lanes instead of the A38. Around 12 miles with" a bit of rain", or mist as I call it, still waiting for the proper stuff!

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
pretty much the same route i done last friday except i carried on to stirling instead of going over the kincardine bridge
i didn`t think i would have got out a ride to, when i was going to my work at half 5 this morning the rain and the lightning was unreal..the rain was crazy, yet when i left my work everything was dry and you wouldn`t think we had any rain....the bike is a bit dirty and will take me about a week to clean it

72.3 mile
18 mile ride to work. Despite the weather forcast predicting 'occasional showers', it lashed it down for the 1st 6 miles. Got to the top of a hill over which I could see clouds clearing over my remaining route. It got prgressivley more sunny as I rode further and I loved every minute of it.
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