Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Took my new Trek Domane out for its first shakedown ride this morning.
Really nice to have a bike that fits. Gears weren't quite right so stopped off at Stephen James (where I got it from) since I had to get a couple of things anyway.
Erol (mechanic) then proceeded to spend the rest of the morning tweaking testing and coming out with me to try it and see how it was - brilliant service.
Only a shake down ride - but it turned out to be 35 miles! Not bad since a month ago that would have been a major treck.

Felt much faster but I've no way of knowing since my Garmin Edge decided to play silly buggers and only record the intial 8 miles to the bike shop

I have to leave it alone for two weeks now while I go on holiday ...then again I'm spending two weeks windsurfing and MTB-ing in Lefkas so its not too shabby! :becool:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I took the Pug out for a spin to the shops earlier, and on the way, I practically rode straight into the shot of a camera crew.

To be exact, I was cycling along a short distance behind some Police cars, and they proceeded to stop at a small group of people and cars. I assumed it was just an arrest when I suddenly heard the words

'Camera, Action'

Before I knew what was going on, I was right there behind them with the actors getting out of the cars and doing whatever it was they were doing. They didn't say 'Cut', so I just stood there like an idiot wondering what do to and seeing where the cameras were pointing. Thing is, the camera seemed to be point in my direction, so I eventually went round the back of one of the cars and went on my way to the pet shop to by things for the fish.

I decided to return that way once I was finished (actually it was on the way home) and they were still there. I got talking to a couple of boys watching (they asked about the bike), and the one who did the talking was telling me about his Grandpa who apparently does racing of some kind and has spent several thousand pounds on his bike since he got it etc etc.

He then started to say things like

'He hits me when he's angry, so I kick his tyres and burst them just to annoy him'

Thing is, he was about 8, but he seemed to know about bikes, so I didn't quite know if he was being serious or not, but anyway.

He then went off briefly to throw stones at a nearby Robin despite me saying not too :rolleyes: Luckily the Robin was sensible and escaped, so the idiot boy stopped.

Just as I was trying to escape myself, he asked

'Do you smoke? Your teeth look like you smoke'

when I say I didn't, he said

'I smoke, I've been smoking since I was 5 and was going to try and get a joint off you'

Err, yes, ok..... I rode off at that point.

Future Ned in the making methinks!

They film 'River City' here, so it was probably that.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Oh yes, I forgot, just as I was leaving, the other boy who hadn't said anything much suddenly piped up with the most charming line

'Oh my arse is sore, I think I've been sitting on a stone and its up my peanut'

Yes, very good. :laugh:


I also had to take avoiding action around some bloke in Enfield on a fixie who basically couldnt ride it, he was wobbling all over the place, and narrowly avoided being hit by three different cars in 30 seconds

Not convinced by all those people who say they're easy!


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Only 22 miles for me today. Been suffering with a cold and didn't want to push myself too much. Headed out through Hale, Bowdon and Ashley. Back through Tatton Park, Knutsford and Mobberley. Sun was shining and it felt nice to get out after a couple of days off the bike.


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
A very breezy 27 mile ride down the coast to Deganwy on the Harry Hall.


Living Legend & Old Fart
I went on about 6 Car Free Day rides in Bangkok and came home with the same thought 'Never, ever again!' so what did I do today? The Korat Car Free Day ride! The atmosphere was completely different, much more relaxed. I called into a service station about a mile from the finish for a quick pee and I saw a 700x23 front wheel just lying in the car park; Someone had possibly parked there, loaded the car and forgot the wheel. So I took it back to the start, handed it to the organiser and hopefully it may be reunited with its owner..


Just a quick hour before dinner, 16 miles, so that's errr,,,,,16 mph average ^_^
Really quite blowy on the outrun but still maintained 14 to 15 mph for the most part, out of Peterborough toward Whittlesea then back.
Home just in time, it was raining within 10 minutes of me putting the bike back in the shed.


Active Member
Monaghan Ireland
A 32 miler for me up round the border counties or bandit country in the old day. since the days of the troubles allot of the cratered roads and blown up bridges have been re opened and it is cyclists dream come true. Roads the very few cars use nor travel on and since the recession there are a lot less. Had the wind on my back going out bur on my face on the return part of the trip

Darren Jeffrey

Über Member
Nice 12 miles out to Edinburgh airport and back. Only marred slightly by a fellow cyclist who had stopped to speak to a pedestrian and had his bike poking on to the road at a right angle so I had to move out into traffic to avoid him. Politely told him as I passed he should move to the pavement if he wishes to converse with his friend rather than blocking me
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