Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A 55 mile trip from home to Box Hill and back with Arallsopp and Mista Preston of this parish.
Left home just after 7.30 and got to Box Hill for 9am for a cuppa and bacon roll at Ryka's Cafe.
Started to rain just as we arrived.
Not many bikers out today, they were outnumbered by the amount of cyclists.
Box Hill has now become a major draw for cyclists in the south east... or so it seems.

Myself and Mista Preston atop Box Hill

A wind assisted, wet ride back home only slightly soured by a few Sunday driving maniacs.

Stats here
40 miler out to Todmorden via Rochdale and Littleborough, then back via Bacup with NotThatJasonKenny, and a couple of non-ccer's as well.

Route HERE

Very slow average as we had to keep waiting for the group to bunch up, but nice to get some hills in before the Cat & Fiddle Challenge in a couple of weeks.


Legendary Member
31 mile blast along a fairly flat route (<1500 feet of climbing). Set my best time ever for the circuit so I'm feeling fairly smug. Won't last for long I'll be back down to earth with a bump in the morning; 20mph head wind in rain for the 11.5mile ride into work. Ho-Hum


So I finally "manned up" and got out on my bike for a proper ride.
21 mile round trip to Gretna and back -but not the same way just because I can.
Actually felt shockingly bad the first two miles, then got my second wind and was fine -but I wasn't breaking any speed records.
Had a guy tail us for a couple of miles. I think he finally got sick of Mr6's motivational speeches as he shot past, but then didn't really gain much ground. We went separate ways or I think we would've ended up playing a weird game of leap frog.
Saw loads of cyclists out, mostly in pairs, including a guy with a young son both on road bikes, little lad was fairly going some up the hill - and he said "good morning" Definitely being raised right that one.
Got overtaken a lot -but not a single "coming by" or "morning" from any of them. tch.
Plenty of considerate motorists on the road, apart from two towing caravans who clearly forgot what they were pulling!! And the old biddy who was not for letting us change lanes at all!!!!
Ended up with a really achey leg about five miles from home and discovered I can actually pedal with just my left foot while the other leg has a rest.
Really felt it by the time we got home but glad I went.
Conclusion - I need to cycle more.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
Just a short spin early this morning as I had to get back for mid morning to take the family out, so a ride to the cafe for breakfast it was. I left the house just after 7 a.m, wrapped up warm and cosy. Within 3 miles I was in the countryside, the crisp morning air soon woke me up. Met a few fellow cyclists out and past a club ride going the other way. Up and down a few minor hills and I was heading up Ivinghoe Beacon and a mile or so from breakfast. 1 breakfast bap & coffee later and I was heading home, quite a few cyclists out now making most of the dry weather before the forecast rain set in. Bypassed the turning for home and carried on to Redbourn and then St.Albans before picking up the road back to Hemel. 37 miles and home before 10 a.m


The words "just a short spin" and "37 miles" will never figure in the same sentence for me.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
medium pace club run, 53. 5 miles with a section with a vicious headwind which i was pulling at the front and no one was coming through .
I got some thank yous when we stopped as they were grateful for the pull, my knees ache a little now but i am just putting that down to some big turns at the front in that weather.
Clothing wise i overdressed today as it was blooming chilly so i think a long sleeve jersey + base layer and long leggings were to much but i would rather be a bit warm than too cold as i suffer with raynauds syndrome so if my hands and feet get cold they stay cold for a long time.

Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
Got 20 miles in today, head wind for the first 9 miles, then a crosswind but the reward was a home run tail wind,
looks like the bike will be off the road for the next few days due to the bonkers weather forecast, so glad i got some decent miles in over the weekend


Was hoping for rain but was a little disappointed. Nice ride made up for it. Not been this way before so got lost a few times... thinking, do I reaaly want to descend this hill, if I've got it wrong lol. Went Kempsey to Pershore, Via Brook End, Littleworth, Slouton and Drakes Braughton. Being new to the route there was a section which ran reaaly close to the motterway and I started to think I was on a slip road to the M5 :thumbsup: Got to my neices in time for freshly baked cakes and great family times. Everyone thought I was mad to be cycling in the rain and I though everyone was mad calling today's effort rain :smile: it was less than 20 miles at a guess. but don't really know. Great country lanes, My neice and her family are sure to get lots of visits!

This was the only car I saw until I got Pershore :smile:

A really nice day :smile:


Well-Known Member
Up at 7, out at 8 this morning.
A 20 mile ride,ears were freezing,toes were too,but struggled through and soon warmed up.
Tried my new garmin edge 500 for the first time.
Didn't go flat out as it was cold but burned 950 calories,average speed 14 mph,top speed 26,out for 120 minutes.
But enjoyed it never the less.I can knock 20 minutes off that time easily in warm weather.
Enjoying playing with the garmin and uploading info aswell.


50 mile sportive today with 3 decent hills. Weather started a bit cold and got colder and wet during the last hour. Glad I didn't do the 100 mile route and loads of people who had signed up for it bottled out (don't blame them) as it was clear from the forecast that the rain was only going to get worse and worse. I came in the top 20 from about 200 starters ^_^
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