Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Cheshire Celt

Yesterday for mac millian cancer 56 miles in 3 hrs 28



Naturist Smurf
82 miles, around 6500 ft of ascent, plus a 10mph headwind nearly all the way


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
On Sunday I did the 3 Loops 200km audax from Macclesfield. We stopped at the ice cream farm at Tattenhall after each loop and had a good feed back at the start, courtesy of John Perrin and family who invited us all in for a choice of chilli, cottage pie or pasta. Worth doing for the food alone!!:hungry:


Fast and careful!
did my thursday 50mile run out headed into the new forest and was absolutely disgusted to see some unpleasant prick had dumped about 10 bags of general house hold waste on the road to Furzley and every wild pony and pig in the area had converged on the area to rip the bags open and route through the contents,locals were trying to bag the rubbish up but the scene was mad,and the road was at a stand still,any how the rest of the ride was a honour to be on a bit chilly,not many cyclists around today,a couple of good hills including telegraph hill coming out of brook

Deleted member 1258

Manor farm Shop Catthorpe was the destination 40 miles was the journey.

I've been at home on holiday this week and have spent the week catching up on the odd jobs, I've painted fences, sorted out the new shed and tidied the garden, I've done no cycling for over a week. This morning it was shall I finish staining the back fence or shall I just enjoy the day? After I'd sorted out the puncture on the car and had new boots put on the front I took the Mrs shopping then on to Lunch before dropping her off at the place where she helps out in the afternoons, then it was home put the car away before getting changed and getting the bike out for an afternoons peddling. It was cool grey and windy with the occasional light shower but as I cleared Coventry and got into the lanes the smile spread across my face and got broader with every mile that ticked by until I was grinning like the Cheshire cat. It was great going out flying before the wind but hard graft coming back into it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and it did wonders for my mood.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Went for a bit of a tour this afternoon. I started off following the route I did with Gavgav and Doug last week (Condover, Ryton, Longnor, round the back of Leebotwood) but this time when I got up to Folly Bank I turned left and continued climbing up to Yell Bank where there are some great views. (Not surprising as it is 1053 feet above sea level).


Looking south east towards the Clee Hills in the distance.


The Lawley from the lesser seen side.


Looking north towards the Shropshire Plain

I don't think I've ridden up this way since early spring.

After Yell Bank I rode to Church Preen before dropping down in the direction of Hughley then turning towards Harley, taking a roundabout route to Cound and then heading home via Pitchford, Cantlop & Condover.

32.6 miles and this trip took the reading to just over 1000 miles since the Raleigh came out of winter storage in March.:thumbsup:


A mix of utility cycling and a nice hour n a bit in the countryside on the roadbike.
Circa 10 miles this morning to town to do some banking and a little shopping. The Bianchi was locked up in very busy areas in town, still felt nervous, then i thought, well its insured. Rucksack was bulging and heavy on the way back, 2 ltrs milk, large can of dogfood, small sack of dogbiscuit and a sunday joint, weighed a bloomin ton.
20 miles this afternoon on the Ribble, sunny but blowy, Peterborough, toward Elton then off down bullock Road to Folksworth, across to Yaxley, Farcet, back through town and home.
Might venture down the shops later on the winter Raleigh :laugh:...3 bikes in a day.


Proud Daddy
71 miles today. About 43 with the club boys, and the rest getting to/from. First time I've kept on the groups wheel all the way this time, and managed to finish in the sprint bunch at the cafe stop! My fitness is definitely coming up fast now.

Heart rate was higher than I would have liked, but there was no holding back a lot of the time! Hit a slightly scary 189 at one point

Deleted member 23692

31 miles around the Eden Valley this morning. Forecast was for cool & cloudy, but it actually turned out warm and sunny.. so all was good, if a little overdressed


Re member eR
My ride today started VERY early. I was planning on a 6am start but woke up at 2.45 and was wide awake tossing and turning unable to get back to sleep.
I had enough by 3.30 so I got up, got dressed, put the lights on the bike and went out in the middle of the night at 3.50.
I really like night riding and rode a great 40 odd miles out to Ilkley at a relaxed steady pace. Returning through the dawn returning home about 6.45. Nice one.


Legendary Member
What a lovely day for a ride this afternoon was. 72 miles around the Ipswich and Stowmarket areas in warm sunshine and light winds. NO close passes, shouts of encouragement from a couple of young children as their dad went past wide and slow and even a jokey request for a tow from a guy on a mountain bike as I went past. Can't believe how many cyclists there were out and about today.

As an experiment I taped over the speed display on the computer prior to going out leaving only the clock showing and didn't check the distance & average speed functions until I got home. It made the ride seem more relaxed when not obsessing about figures.


Re member eR
As an experiment I taped over the speed display on the computer prior to going out leaving only the clock showing and didn't check the distance & average speed functions until I got home. It made the ride seem more relaxed when not obsessing about figures.

For just that reason I've begun to leave my Garmin in my pocket. It still collects the information but I'm not constantly checking ave speed etc. Much more enjoyable.:smile:
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