- Location
- My Armchair
Just a normal days commuting but with the sun shining on the way home, and a nice off road route it was very good.
Even had a rare tailwind
But the bestest part was what I did when I took the path thru a local park...after 3 years of riding I finally plucked up the courage to try a bit of 'hands-free' riding, just a few seconds but was great, tried a couple of times before but never felt comfortable, today I lifted my hands just a few centimetres away from the bars, wobbled a bit but stayed upright, then moved my hands higher and sat up straight for another 5 seconds of look mum no hands cycling
Even had a rare tailwind

But the bestest part was what I did when I took the path thru a local park...after 3 years of riding I finally plucked up the courage to try a bit of 'hands-free' riding, just a few seconds but was great, tried a couple of times before but never felt comfortable, today I lifted my hands just a few centimetres away from the bars, wobbled a bit but stayed upright, then moved my hands higher and sat up straight for another 5 seconds of look mum no hands cycling