After waiting for & making phonecalls to agents all day and missing out on a job

I had a wee bit of energy to burn off and when my brother asked to go for a cycle on a

evening, I couldn't resist. So I had a slow ride up through the Glen (Pittencrieff Park), 3.5miles to his place. I then had a
fast 33.6 mile ride to Kirkcaldy & back. We came across an idiot on the
quietest back road there is who at 40mph actually clipped my brother and after furious beeping sitting a mm of my back wheel almost did the same to me if I'd wobbled more than 5mm it would have been a fatality (at 40mph I certainly wasn't swerving into the verge

). Still though they couldn't spoil what was an excellent evening

It was my brother's fastest ride and first midweek of the year and he was flagging a wee bit towards the end but he enjoyed it and want to go back out on Wednesday, chapeau

After chatting to my brother on what was still a lovely evening light faded and I then enjoyed a 3.9 mile ride home (bypassing the glen which was now pitch black).