I decided to tackle the hill that's been sneering at me for the past 7 months on my trips to Holmfirth; Holme Moss.
Set off about 8am and realised pretty quickly that I didn't need the winter jacket I was wearing. Ah well - it proved useful on the tops though!
Went through Mirfield & Huddersfield (strong headwinds) to Holmfirth and set off up to the hill. I stopped just before going up and someone else (fully lyra'd) pulled in just after me; didn't say hello and was behind me. Ah well!
I started off and got past the 1 mile and 3/4 mile markers. The other rider was about 50 metres back. By the 1/2 mile I was getting puffed, but the other rider was now about 100 back

. Saw the 1/4 mile and then what I thought was the line. Only it wasn't - there's a 200 yards to go

then a 100 yards to go line

before the top. Made it up and waited, but he never appeared
Went over the other side to Woodhead pass, with 3 other riders going up and 3 waiting to start their climb. Then left onto the A628 and saw the TransPennine Trail sign. "I'll take that" I thought - so went up some more hills before getting a bit tired. Windmill Cafe was a welcome stop and I had the treat of Apple Pie & Custard for making it up
Went back via Shelley, but I'd no food left so bought a Creme Egg and then up to Emley Mast. From there I'd the choice of Mirfield & the steep climb from Dewsbury to home (I live on a hill above Dewsbury) or down to Horbury and a long slope. I wasn't sure my legs would do the climb so took the Horbury route, where I was very nearly left-hooked by a non-indicating white Audi.
Overall did 59.2 miles in 4 hours 27. Slow, but it was getting up Holme Moss which counted.
And I'm planning to do it all again next Saturday morning in preparation for the Cheshire Cat & the Brian Robinson sportives, with the latter going up Holme Moss.