Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Did a seventy mile out and back from Wetherby to Helmsley via Easingwold, Coxwold, and Ampleforth. The Howardian Hills took their toll. Gravity still finds me too attractive for my liking. Nice quiet roads. Bylands Abbey looked wonderful. Saw my first dead badger in a long while.


Re member eR
In a bitingly cold wind I had a slow but very enjoyable 3 or 4 miles on a cycle track from Thorpe Arch to Wetherby with my grand daughter. Early days yet but she didn't miss a beat. In fact she took great delight in trying to run me off the track. ^_^


Rolling down the hills with the bike.
Terrible got lost from Little Venice in London. Worst of it took Regents canal and i find myself in Islington!! lol Nevermind though i knew my mistake never trust the TFL cycle maps for London. This journey today should of taken 1 hour and 30 minutes according to to TFL cycle i got lost on top of it. Sooo it was 4 hours my jounery!!! lol Im going to do it again but with cycle street routes! lol It felt like it was 18 miles today because half the time i felt like i was going around in circles! lol


Oh my lord...5 months more or less off the bike, just the occasional sub 15 milers here and there...10 miles today, felt ok until i hit any kind of reasonable incline, then you realise :sad:^_^ .
Lovely weather, overdressed a bit as it soon warmed up. Lots of people out there.
Got to do some fettling...front won't drop onto the small chainring.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I went out with the local MTB club again today and we did 109 Kms, most of which was off road. Out here it's very hot at the moment and there were some very tired riders at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hard & fast 40 miler out to Epping Forest, round a bit, up & down a few hills (they have hills in Essex?) and back, all at high speed. two and a half hours all told, including time out for a tea at half time. It's my mate's colleague - dead keen he is, and legs like tree trunks. Two+ hours at or around my limit. Just time to walk the hound, then veg out in front of the rugby...


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
first good ride this year..:shy: aycliffe-seaham was going to use the boardman but as i was getting ready saw the :sun: was out so out came the cannondale carbon.:wahhey:dam i forgot how great it rides..^_^ at seaham a guy was having a full english at to place we stop for munchies :hungry: looked good so was a shame not too..
Probably not one of my best ideas to gout for hard/fast club ride, given my current physical condition (probably why I'm not a Millionaire!) but I decided to head up to the Glengates for the DCC Sunday Club ride, I think there was 10 of us at the gates and another joined us en-route for a bit! It was all going OK'ish till Powmill with my deliberate pacing strategy. There was then a mechanical in front of me and in that few seconds when I had to drop back I was well and truly dropped into a strong headwind. I had to drop in to red zone to get back. I got as far as Dollar with nobody in sight, then I spotted a group of approximately 10 riders heading towards Lawhill (that wasn't the route?), one of them wearing the same kit as one of our group. I chased them down only to realise they weren't our group (Doh! I really need new Glasses!). I then dipped further into the red zone as I sprinted to get back, thankfully folks had stopped and waited a few miles along the road but I got into Corrieris in a coughing and wheezing fit :-( After the cafe we then cut down to Alloa via the new path (its a bit indirect but its quite well made) and I was glad of the enforced slightly slower pace. When we got back to the roads however, I never lasted long before falling off the back again; we weren't far from home though and folks were waiting outside the Glen Tavern. Up till then I had a moving average of 18.9mph others must of been higher. This has took ages because a) I'm long winded when it comes to writing and b) I'm short winded when it comes to my current physical state and writing has been interrupted several times by more coughing and mugs of hot lemon.
Well my first decent ride in a while today. 68 miles into Northumberland to a little place called Capheaton. A tea room in the village hall (hut) which would'nt have been out of place in 'Heartbeat' and i mean that in a good way. Packed with cyclists which is always good to see, and so nice to be able to leave your bike outside and unlocked without any fear.
A nice easy paced ride which is just what I was after, all miles are good miles at the moment!


Well-Known Member
North Devon
Longest ride of the year for me today, Ho! to Hoe, Westward Ho! in North Devon to Plymouth Hoe in South Devon, then back to Tavistock to meet the wife, great ride, 83mls, misty & drizzle to start, lovely Sunshine for 2nd half.
Lovely 70.1 miler into and around norfolk today, whilst keeping the speed down.
By going easier than normal i will be able to ride 30+ every day ... faster rides put the legs out of action for more than 48 hours
meaning the net result is less calories burnt per week.

Saying that i had some dude standing up on his pedals trying to overtake me on a hill, so i briefly slipped from zone 1 to zone 5,
whilst dropping down a gear AND staying in my seat.

Cadence 95rpm and heart rate 182bpm = dude beside me probably wondered what the hell was happening, but it made me smile. :laugh:

Only 3 more evenings this month ... hope to hit the magic 1000 miles before 1st march.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Lovely weather out there today even if it was a bit windy compared to yesterday. Covered 24.3 miles on my knockabout bike but the back wheel went out of true half-way round and I don't know what caused it. (I thought I'd broken another spoke).

The sunshine had brought everyone else out too so I actually had other cyclists to say hello to (and overtake) and there were some interesting motorists, including the elderly driver doing a steady 10 (yes ten) mph and the guy who I nearly hit head-on coz he was driving on the right. Apart from that it was a good trip.^_^
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