Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Club Christmas ride today. About 70 miles in total, with just about every kind of weather you could imagine. We (17 of us) arrived at our lunch venue absolutely soaking and very cold. Pub staff were excellent, and didn't bat an eyelid at us dripping all over the place.
An excellent lunch followed by a couple of pints of Directors, some good banter. After being so wet, and stuffing my face, I wasn't looking forward to the ride back. But with all that fuel in me I virtually flew home.

Must give a big shout out to the staff of the Hamilton Russell in Thorpe Thewles, County Durham. Superb guys and girls, thank you very much.

Great day, now where's that bottle of Port!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I've been working nights and my body clock is all upside down so I've just been on a midnight 25 mile bimble around Westminster and Victoria. If you don't have to work on a Monday morning, I'd recommend it to Londoners. In the early hours of Monday morning you really have the streets to yourself. A chilly winter's night is the complete opposite of a warm, sunny day in the countryside but it's almost as peaceful.
I was supposed to go cycling with a mate today but never got a reply to my text so I went out on my own. As I was passing through his village the clip for my saddle bag burst so I stopped to collect it, at the same time I got the text, he'd been on night shift, finished late and had just woke up, so I went for a couple of laps round the village met him and went for some enjoyable laps of the local dockyard. It was blowing a gale but it was crisp and clear and nothing compared to what is forecast tomorrow (77mph gales and heavy rain) :eek:


Legendary Member
Had to take the car today, first time in ages. Hated every moment of it and to my horror the forecast for tomorrow (see above) suggests that another enforced recovery day may have to be suffered.


Went to work on my road bike (mistake), 23 mile round trip. The wind blew the bike around a bit and although it will be even harder work I think I will take the steel framed Charge Mixer next time for a bit more stability (or go in the car).


West Somerset
Two fantastic rides yesterday. 40 miles on the road bike, up into the Blackdowns for brunch at Dunkeswell airfield (best scrambled eggs in the south-west) and then another 20 miles in the evening to the pub and back. Clear sky, lots of moonlight, hardly any traffic. Very peaceful.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
you have to be joking!!..the coastal wind her eis horrid...went to the pool and swam 100 lengths instead^_^
After the storm there was a nice bright lull so I took the opportunity to go for a really good ride with a mate, it was a bit chilly but the skies were clear and the winds were lighter. I expected to see a lot of damage after hurricane Bawbag but other than a few twigs it was clear until we got to the overbridge of the Clackmannanshire Bridge access road; a box van was on its roof :ohmy:

sdr gb

Falling apart
Went out and did a couple of hours riding round Oldham, Saddleworth and Ashton. A couple of rain and snow showers but thoroughly enjoyed it. Only saw two other riders braving the elements:cold: . I've never seen so much diesel on the roads.
Sorry I chickened out too bloody cold only 3c here today, maybe I'm getting to old for this.
I looked out the window, saw winter was back and thought I'm back, back to bed that is; hopefully it'll be clearer and warmer tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Woke to about 8 cm of snow, but not causing any problems as there had been no wind overnight. By the afternoon the main road was clear so away into town for the messages, it was such a pleasant day that I carried on to investigate temporary traffic lights I could see some 3 miles along the coast. Quite amusing to overhear people at the shops complain of the cold, but it wasn't cold on a bike if well wrapped up! Had to use my lights for the last couple of miles of the 12 mile run.
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