Your ride today.... (part 1)

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New Member
well yesterday I managed a 22 mile ride (not going into details on here I already blogged it lol). Was a lovely ride from Wellingborough to Brixwoth country park, round Pitsford and back home again.

This after I bravely (for me) went out to try and do a 10 miler, but 10 minutes (2 miles for me) in decided that my planned route of Irchester, Wollaston, Great Doddington and back again was going to be too much in the heat so dived into Irchester Country park and did 2 laps of it before coming home. Was mostly very pleasant but rather a lot of chavs on bikes in among the cyclists.

I think it's hotter today than yesterday
55 mile Cat & Fiddle Challenge. Underestimated it badly :wacko: The actual C&F climb that gets all the hype is entirely do-able, yes it drags on, it's 7 miles long ffs, but it's not the climb of Satan I'd been led to expect.

The worst bit IMO is the run into Leek, miles of steep descents :biggrin:and very nasty sharp uphillls :angry: This was not expected form the pre-course directions sheet that gave the impression of a pretty serene run in after the Axe Edge climb, they lie :wacko:

Anyway, job done, ride time of 4h 4m over that course will do for me :thumbsup:

Sean Kelly was riding a Brian Rourke frame with Mavic cf wheels and full Sram Red, tyres looked daft though :whistle:



and here's Rhianna having a well earned at the Cat & Fiddle pub :thumbsup:



Started young, and still going.
30 miles around the lanes, Potters Bar, Essendon, Hertford, Brickenden, Bayford, Newgate Street, Northaw, Potters Bar and back to the pub in Barnet. Job well done.


With daughter, a mere 30k along the tow-path from Fulham to Petersham up to Richmond Park and the Tamsin Trail, then to home for lunch in the garden. Very pleasant and a good contrast to thrashing up the Surrey Hills.


Live to Ride
55 mile Cat & Fiddle Challenge. Underestimated it badly :wacko: The actual C&F climb that gets all the hype is entirely do-able, yes it drags on, it's 7 miles long ffs, but it's not the climb of Satan I'd been led to expect.

The worst bit IMO is the run into Leek, miles of steep descents :biggrin:and very nasty sharp uphillls :angry: This was not expected form the pre-course directions sheet that gave the impression of a pretty serene run in after the Axe Edge climb, they lie :wacko:

Anyway, job done, ride time of 4h 4m over that course will do for me :thumbsup:

Sean Kelly was riding a Brian Rourke frame with Mavic cf wheels and full Sram Red, tyres looked daft though :whistle:



and here's Rhianna having a well earned at the Cat & Fiddle pub :thumbsup:


A seven mile climb ...... I so want to do that. Great riding buddy


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Deleted member 1258

61 miles this morning, lone ride out to Earlswood by the scenic route, then rode back with the clubs family group. Left the house about half eight and it was cool enough to make me consider a long sleeve jersey, I left it at home in the end, by the time I got to the cafe it was warming up nicely, on the ride home it was hot. A hard mornings cycling, there was a strong breeze in my face most of the way out and when we got a tail wind on the way back the lads were flying. An excellent mornings cycling and a good day generally, but I'm knackered tonight.
92 miles taking in the 'seasons of the mist' audax over 2800m climbing in total :ohmy:


New Member
Forest Of Dean
I did a 24 miler with an average speed of 9.0 mph. The most I have managed before is 18 miles with an average speed of 6.5 so pretty chuffed with myself. It was brilliant weather in the Forest of Dean and plenty of people out today. I started from my house went to the cycle center did the family cycle trail and climbed back up the verderers trail.



Legendary Member
30 miles around the lanes, Potters Bar, Essendon, Hertford, Brickenden, Bayford, Newgate Street, Northaw, Potters Bar and back to the pub in Barnet. Job well done.

I did that route this morning as well. Did about 55 miles, got a bit lost when I went over towards St Albans. Shame I didn't bump into you again. Got home and had a large G&T for Medicinal purposes.


Re member eR
Just under 40 miles for me today with an early 5am start.

I wanted to get out while it was still properly dark to try out a new light I bought.


£31 delivered. :thumbsup:

Once off the lit roads the lanes were pitch black especially under the tree canopy and the light was fantastic. :biggrin:

I've never ridden in quite such dark conditions before because up until now any lights I have had have not been up to the job. This lit up the road ahead pretty much as good as a car headlamps. As I got further into the ride and one or two cars were about I actually got flashed because I was dazzling a driver.

The only drawback is that they sent me a 900 lumen set instead of a 1200 lumen set that I ordered but that is being remedied.


65 miles today.Easingwold a superb ride out.Dawes Galaxy average speed going out 19mph.Coming back 14 mph.30+ miles of a wall of wind with gusting.I am dead beat.Knackered the younger guy who i went out with me.Brought me home i am really not feeling too good.Think i will take the rest o the week off .Glad i am retired.I have not felt like this in a very long time.I even feel sick.Bloody daft old fool.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Ran a few errands around the village and then popped a few miles down the road to the next village, dunno, 10 miles in total.

Regular shorts, t-shirt, sandals (no socks). Hub gears, mudguards, rack, Brooks - must get one of them beards!
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