Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Well that was an 'EPIC FAIL' s my Sister would say.

I learned all about the influences of irrational fear on performance. Put myself in a situation I didn't want to be in first thing in the morning and felt the need to run like hell. Ran. Got myself stuck on a dual carriageway and spent the next hour trying to find my bearings.

Once I found myself somewhere I could get home from, I realised I was up to 20 miles already, with what seemed like no effort at all. Wondered if I could make 100 miles today. Turned away from home. It chucked it down. I realised my fleece was probably a mistake.

Stopped for food, bought dry clothes, including my first ever proper cycling jersey. Can't see the appeal. Uncomfy at the back where the pockets bunch up.

Carried on. Nothing happened for a while. Found the Anderton boat lift while the cafe was still open. Score! Drank tea and ate coffee cake. Watched the boat lift lifting boats.

Got to 60 miles and realised I couldn't go any further. Stopped six times in the next three miles. Realised I was ok. Carried on. Suddenly found myself in Warrington. Decided I was nearly home.

12 miles later I fell through my front door. An ill advised 77 miles. I didn't make my hundred, but actually, it was quite a good day. Only one close pass all day, no beeping, no swearing. Nice. I suspect tomorrow will be filled with pain. I also suspect I shouldn't really be allowed out of the house on my own.

Far from a fail in my eyes Dora, there's none of us that hav'nt been caught out by weather, suddenly found the body lacking or lost our sense of's all part of an adventure although of course some of it's not to be done regularly :biggrin: We all live and learn, you did 99% more than 99% of the general public would do.

Hats off to you, 77 miles, bonus :thumbsup:


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West Somerset
Far from a fail in my eyes Dora, there's none of us that hav'nt been caught out by weather, suddenly found the body lacking or lost our sense of's all part of an adventure although of course some of it's not to be done regularly :biggrin: We all live and learn, you did 99% more than 99% of the general public would do.

Hats off to you, 77 miles, bonus :thumbsup:


I had a great ride out this morning with a new-to-me cycling club, even in the pouring rain. I kept pace with everyone, which I'd been worrying about, and only lagged behind on the downhills - my confidence is a work in progress!


I'm seriously contemplating an audaux or two next year


A superb weather forecast was too good to ignore.So into Newcastle for bits of Hadrians Way to Hexham and a loop north of Acomb around to Haydon Bridge.72 miles of mostly glorious sunshine.


Über Member
Sat'day I put the fixed back on the road and had a nice ride out to St Anne's from Preston. Made the mistake of not taking any food but still a nice ride.

Sunday I pootled out to the local pool on the fixed again, went crazy and did 66x25m lengths, did try a ride in the evening but had no energy left after the swim... so hoofed it into town and had my hair cut, nice and short now just in time for this week's heatwave. It's still slightly longer than coffejo's though!


Senior Member
Far from a fail in my eyes Dora, there's none of us that hav'nt been caught out by weather, suddenly found the body lacking or lost our sense of's all part of an adventure although of course some of it's not to be done regularly :biggrin: We all live and learn, you did 99% more than 99% of the general public would do.

Hats off to you, 77 miles, bonus :thumbsup:

Been looking for a +rep or thanks button, but It doesn't seem there is one, so Thanks gbb.


Re member eR

Good ride out from Beverly in East Yorkshire up into the Yorkshire Wolds. An unsung part of the country with some great views and lovely countryside A definite bonus too of quiet lanes with a minimum of traffic.

I met up with and did the trip with Craigwend who lives out that way and we had a pleasant but tiring day. Good company and a good ride.

East Yorkshire is supposed to be flat, not that I noticed it:


No desire to do long rides at the mo (wished i did, but just can;t work up the enthusiasm), so a quick 19 miles at 17.5 mph average. Pushed hard (for me), hot and sweaty but feel good.

Saw one Jay...funnily enough i saw one on saturdays ride but forgot to mention it. They're not uncommon, but you don't often see them.


Strewth mate,shorts and only a short sleeve jersey.A little tootle atound Eccup res and surrounding countryside.Beautiful and used the Galaxy like it says smooooth.Nice tootle out.


Getting back into the regular mileage groove, 21 miles around town and urban roads. 16mph average, not bad considering the amount of junctions, TLs and fair breeze.
My bikes looking tatty for 3 years old...had a fairly good clean this morning...lots of little scratches, quite a few paint chips, saddles looking tired, bar tape's filthy....time to give it some serious TLC.

Saddle bum

Über Member
Good 20+ miler around normal circuit. It did not seem anywhere near samey as usual. I was still pacing Cav to his win. (Well, going through the motions at less than half their speed.)

Suppose this is the last decent week of the year.


New Member
now't quite as impressive as some of you lot, but as I'm only just back on a bike after 12 years off and 3 children (and quite a few extra lbs......) I was rather pleased with my 6 mile ride today. Only 2nd proper time back in the saddle, took me 49 minutes average of 7,2mph. Some road, some hard surface round the country park and some cycle path. Not bad, though I nearly died at the end on the last teeny uphill towards home so got off and walked it

Should perhaps also add that due to insomnia and afore mentioned children I only had about 2 or 3 hrs sleep last night so am hopeful I can improve both time and distance......

I can't ever imagine calling a 77 mile ride a fail........................(of any description!)


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Deleted member 1258

now't quite as impressive as some of you lot, but as I'm only just back on a bike after 12 years off and 3 children (and quite a few extra lbs......) I was rather pleased with my 6 mile ride today. Only 2nd proper time back in the saddle, took me 49 minutes average of 7,2mph. Some road, some hard surface round the country park and some cycle path. Not bad, though I nearly died at the end on the last teeny uphill towards home so got off and walked it

Should perhaps also add that due to insomnia and afore mentioned children I only had about 2 or 3 hrs sleep last night so am hopeful I can improve both time and distance......

I can't ever imagine calling a 77 mile ride a fail........................(of any description!)

Welcome. You've made a start, you're back on two wheels, well done.


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Active Member
I managed to get home from work this evening whilst it was still light, so shot out for a 15 mile loop.

Finished in 51 minutes, so I was happy with that. I am feeling tired tonight now though!


Senior Member
now't quite as impressive as some of you lot, but as I'm only just back on a bike after 12 years off and 3 children (and quite a few extra lbs......) I was rather pleased with my 6 mile ride today. Only 2nd proper time back in the saddle, took me 49 minutes average of 7,2mph. Some road, some hard surface round the country park and some cycle path. Not bad, though I nearly died at the end on the last teeny uphill towards home so got off and walked it

Should perhaps also add that due to insomnia and afore mentioned children I only had about 2 or 3 hrs sleep last night so am hopeful I can improve both time and distance......

I can't ever imagine calling a 77 mile ride a fail........................(of any description!)

It was a fail because I had set a target for my self, missed it, changed it.......and missed it again!!

My second ride after my long break from cycling was 2.9 miles in 30 minutes. I rode maybe a mile, walked up a MAHOOSIVE hill, and pretty muh freewheeled the rest of the way to work.
That was in, I think, May 2006. In Spetember 2006, I completed Manchester 100k in 5 hours. (on a bike that weighed approximately the equivalent of four smart cars...but looked great! :biggrin:) That MAHOOSIVE hill doesn't even register anymore.

What I'm trying to say is, you'll be setting crazy looking targets in no time, and 6 miles in 49 minutes is a great start!


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