Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Fabulous day here, maybe 26 degrees, light breeze so off for a 23 mile jaunt.
Into peterborough then onto my usual rural cycle route to Whittlesea, maybe 7 miles away, lots of lakes and the river to ride alongside, turn round, come back, did a few miles through town, turned round, back into town then be confronted my an air ambulance sat in the middle of the road, in the middle of an urban estate about 1 mile from home. Apparently a kiddy's been knocked off his bike although i saw no evidence of that. Whoever it was, best wishes to them.

One Green Woodpecker, maybe 60 puffball fungii the size of footballs in a field, cormorant, loads of LBJs...and one air ambulance.

One of those days where you could just ride into the sunset. :thumbsup:


New Member
Took advantage of the lovely sunny weather to repeat my 6 mile ride from Tuesday. Managed to slice 6 minutes off my time, and got about 50 metres further up the incline near home before dying and having to walk the last bit. I think it helped today that I managed to remember which way to turn the gear lever to ensure I went down the gears rather than up while struggling up the slopes

Not only was I 6 minutes quicker, it took me less time to recover as well (still incredibly unfit and a stone overweight but it's start :tongue:)


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Same as yesterday but a different not the same then...:whistle:
23 miles at a shade under 16mph average, a fair breeze but lovely and warm.
Peterborough, west to Warmington along lovely quiet singletrack country roads, alongside the A605 for a few miles toward Oundle, off at Tansor, across to Fotheringhay (scene of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots)...onto Elton then back home.
Quite a few roadies out. One Red Kite, nothing much else to see.
Rode with my jersey off, just to catch the last of the summer sun...does anyone else do that ?
Slipped over the Border for a tour round the Simonside hills map link, seriously hot 26°C may be the hottest day of the year or even past few years. Quite a bit of ascent, 2300' over 30 miles. (13mile/1000') but the temperature made it feel much harder.

My 75 year old mum joined me for 10 miles, very nearly made it to the top of the big hill coming out of Elsdon but give up near the top and pushed
Nice, I couldn't imagine my Mum cycling up a hill; she occasionally pootles for a few miles along the Crammond sea shore. My own ride today was after things cooled down a bit, just to test out the new rear pads I fitted before the club bun run tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Far too hot today!! Did 30 miles (with a couple of hours break halfway at the cycle show) BUT my average has gone up this year! Last year it was about 10.8 pmh, this year I'm averaging 12.insert-number-here mph. Cool. Give it another 4 years and I'll be up to 22 mph!!!


Senior Member
I'm proud of myself today. I took the SSO (Stupid Shed Ornament - my road bike) out for a quick 30 miles.

I still feel as though it takes an awful lot of concentration to keep it in a straight line as it tends to drift towards the centre of the road. But we both made it home - I didn't get chucked under a bus, and the bike didn't get chucked off a bridge. (and there were lots of bridges on this ride!!)

I was really upset to have got all the way to Dunham Massey and find that the ice cream kiosk was shut! So I turned around and set out to look for ice cream. I found it just down the road at the most AHAMAZING tea rooms ever! It came with chocolate cake and tea in a china teacup!
I have no idea what the tea rooms is called. Apparently, everyone has been there, but no one ever told me!

Anyway, my Quick 30 turned onto a broken 50 as lots of roads looked more interesting than whatever one I was currently on. Then I decided to spend the day lazing around at my fella's house and watching the boys play with bits of car. I did a lunch run, but mostly, I just acted all girly and sunbathed.
(<--- and that's what colour I'll be in the morning)

The bike feels a little bit short and twitchy, and apart from being light, it's still not easy to ride, but I think we've made friends. I may have to change it's moniker from SSO to (as suggested by my darling boyfriend) the HBW (hand built warrior)


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nothing in moderation
I'm proud of myself today. I took the SSO (Stupid Shed Ornament - my road bike) out for a quick 30 miles.

I still feel as though it takes an awful lot of concentration to keep it in a straight line as it tends to drift towards the centre of the road. But we both made it home - I didn't get chucked under a bus, and the bike didn't get chucked off a bridge. (and there were lots of bridges on this ride!!)

I was really upset to have got all the way to Dunham Massey and find that the ice cream kiosk was shut! So I turned around and set out to look for ice cream. I found it just down the road at the most AHAMAZING tea rooms ever! It came with chocolate cake and tea in a china teacup!
I have no idea what the tea rooms is called. Apparently, everyone has been there, but no one ever told me!

Anyway, my Quick 30 turned onto a broken 50 as lots of roads looked more interesting than whatever one I was currently on. Then I decided to spend the day lazing around at my fella's house and watching the boys play with bits of car. I did a lunch run, but mostly, I just acted all girly and sunbathed.
(<--- and that's what colour I'll be in the morning)

The bike feels a little bit short and twitchy, and apart from being light, it's still not easy to ride, but I think we've made friends. I may have to change it's moniker from SSO to (as suggested by my darling boyfriend) the HBW (hand built warrior)

sounds like the lavender barn...


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The south might be sweltering in the sunshine but its a bit more hydrated up here :rain: made for an interesting club ride today. After circa halfway, I must have hit a pothole or something, my brakes or the guards are rubbing :?: it really sapped my energy at end. I haven't looked to see what it is yet, I just needed to shed my wet gear and bolt to produce more hydration :ohmy:

PS that was some climb at 6.41 miles and I must have fell down a cliff at 37.58 miles :ohmy:


West Somerset
A 60 mile run to Escot Country Park and back. My legs began to fail me on the return leg. I didn't quite get off and walk but it did cross my mind.

Oh, and I've discovered that I can remain in control whilst skidding on gravel, thanks to an unexpected halt by the ride leaders at the end of quite a fast descent. :eek:
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