Your ride today.... (part 1)

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The Glue that binds us together.
Took some friends for a ride, only the second time on bikes for them, nice flat ride of 7 miles with two stops at a couple of pubs, there was a lot of panting at the end of the ride, think they enjoyed it, but will have to wait and see if they wan't to come again, got home got the road bike out got to the twelve mile mark and it pissed down, not a happy bunny, i need to get some sort of waterproof,


Smutmaster General
Been off the bike for precisely 3 weeks, for various reasons... got out today for a (rather windy) 31 miles... felt great to be out again, but I really noticed those 3 weeks in my legs!!


Just sub 15 miles on the hybrid, to spend £3 on some magnetic catches, when i could have brought them within walking distance of the house :biggrin:

Just fitted some Armadillo Crossroads, good condition, masses of tread left, brought them at the carboot a few weeks ago, £6 the pair :thumbsup: ...just had a lookee, £27 EACH at Evans :biggrin: .

Roll nicely, pump up a lot harder than the cheapie tyres that were on the Trek...happy days.

Sun's out, little breezy, but a nice couple of hours in the saddle, just a pootle about.

Deleted member 1258

On holiday for the last 2 weeks, been away so been off the bike for a week and a half. 48 miles this morning out to the craft centre at Earlswood and back. Cool morning, cloudy with sunny intervals and a stiff breeze. hard morning, really feeling the amount of time off the bike, made even worse by having to grovel into the breeze on the way out, much better coming home. Enjoyable morning though, nice to get the first one, after a break, under my belt. I've had my Kilmeston twelve months now, have done 2100 miles on it. Fitted new chain and front brake blocks this week and the ride this morning gave me a chance to check out the new bits, no problems.
Had a wee bit of a chesty cough & a cold this week so like a wuss, I've not been out to much. I fitted a new chain on Wednesday so I took the bike out for a test ride yesterday. As expected it slipped a few times yesterday so it looks like a new cassette will be in order. I could live with it as it wasn't too often and not when pushing up hill but I think it'll wear the new chain quickly.


Active Member
Sunnyish here in Bristol with the usual gusty conditions you dont notice untill you get on the bike !!,did a 25 mile loop into the country side.Up to chipping sodbury, wickwar.Almondsbury then home just a gentle loop on my new Trek felt a bit sluggish today for some reason but still enjoyed it.


Just about surviving
Only managed 12 miles on Wed and 15 today. Building up distances up after month off after jollies and having lots of jobs around house and garden to do. (Not done to may of them though

I hate the wind and rain so hopefully going to increase my distances over next few weeks if we're going to get this Indian Summer promised.


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Like you guitarpete, ive been furiously decorating different rooms and extending the wardrobe to make it full room width, jesus i'm sick of it but its done, but like you, went out this morning for a 15 miles, but i feel tired.

I gotta get an early night...not just one but many, i always burn the candle both ends :wacko:


West Somerset
I had a *fantastic* ride into town this morning for the club ride. Cruised along at 20mph, hardly any traffic, wonderfully sunny ... have I mentioned recently how much I love the new bike? :tongue:


Senior Member
Well that was an 'EPIC FAIL' s my Sister would say.

I learned all about the influences of irrational fear on performance. Put myself in a situation I didn't want to be in first thing in the morning and felt the need to run like hell. Ran. Got myself stuck on a dual carriageway and spent the next hour trying to find my bearings.

Once I found myself somewhere I could get home from, I realised I was up to 20 miles already, with what seemed like no effort at all. Wondered if I could make 100 miles today. Turned away from home. It chucked it down. I realised my fleece was probably a mistake.

Stopped for food, bought dry clothes, including my first ever proper cycling jersey. Can't see the appeal. Uncomfy at the back where the pockets bunch up.

Carried on. Nothing happened for a while. Found the Anderton boat lift while the cafe was still open. Score! Drank tea and ate coffee cake. Watched the boat lift lifting boats.

Got to 60 miles and realised I couldn't go any further. Stopped six times in the next three miles. Realised I was ok. Carried on. Suddenly found myself in Warrington. Decided I was nearly home.

12 miles later I fell through my front door. An ill advised 77 miles. I didn't make my hundred, but actually, it was quite a good day. Only one close pass all day, no beeping, no swearing. Nice. I suspect tomorrow will be filled with pain. I also suspect I shouldn't really be allowed out of the house on my own.


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