Your ride today.... (part 1)

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West Somerset
Very happy- Mrs A_T wanted to go with me on my bike ride today... gentle start- so we rode round the Newburn/Wylam loop going up to Prudhoe and back- 12 miles, then I rode home. She enjoyed it so much she keen to do the 30 mile NR Cyclone next June. [at this rate she'll be OK to do the 63!]
Another convert!



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I got up just before the dawn this morning and headed down to the Peebles start of the Tour of Britain, I was in good time as I went a direct'ish route but against a strong wind my pace would be limited, I got scalped by a group of three riders with a 11 miles to go and tagged on and we formed quite an effective team :becool: After snapping a few pictures on my phone (I really should have took a better camera) I came back on my own via a more securitas route to make it a ton.

Deleted member 1258

Ouch, hope your wrist recovers soon, Dave. Are you right or left handed? :whistle:

Club ride today down to Culmstock from Taunton: first ride out on the new bike so lots of mocking from the others, especially as I've not got to grips with the toe clips yet :blush:

Fantastic ride, could have kept going all day. The Orbea is so comfortable and speedy :wub: Shame about the weather. Beautiful sunshine all morning and then a very cold shower as we headed for home that left us gasping for breath. Typically, I didn't have my jacket but that was ok as everyone else played 'put it on, take it off' for the next ten miles or so :laugh:

Insect, main suspect a horse fly or similar, got me on the inside of the left wrist, end of the sleeve on my long sleeve jacket, fortunately I'm right handed, very swollen now, but better than it was, the soreness has gone, lots of savlon and cold flannels.
Keep practising with the toeclips, its a learnt technique and takes a little time, I have them on my fixed and have been using them for over twenty years.
Dark, wet and windy. Managed to get out at 5 this morning, lots of debris on the roads from the wind and there was a bit of horizontal rain too. No traffic at that time of day so had a good ride through St Pauls Walden and Whitwell, on to the stables. After Red was sorted i went home the same way, bit more traffic on the return leg and still wet and windy. 21 miles before breakfast and the whole day ahead.


Über Member
did a Dales semi-loop yesterday: started Hellifield, then Kettlewell, Park Rash, indeterminable tramp up some dale to Hawes, Garsdale Head where it was raining hard and blowing a gale straight into my face. Descended carefully to Dent Station & abandoned the ride there after 60 miles. Waited an hour in the waiting room and got the Dalesrail back to Preston.


A right mix of purposes for riding today and two bikes used...
Off to sign on this morning so took the winter commuter (less nickable outside the dole office), then off toward Whittlesea, back towards Stanground via some nice riverside countryside. Into Aldis, do a bit of shopping, one rucksack fully loaded and two strong carrier bags in each hand, then maybe 5 miles home.
Out again this afternoon on the good bike, just a quick blitz about town....about 29 miles in total.

Sweaty...its a bit blowy out there, but nowhere near as bad as the last few days.

Paladin - York

New Member
14th September 2011

Took the steam train to Whitby then cycled back to Pickering across the North York Moors.

Car with bike to Pickering. £5 all day parking at Moorland Trout Farm. Last year it was £2 - enter the North York Moors Railway.

0900 to Whitby arrived 1035. Concession single to Whitby £11. Bike (no concession) £2.

Returned via Whitby Pier - Ruswarp - Sleights - Grosmont - Wheldale Moor - Stape - Newton upon Rawcliffe & Pickering.

A leisurely ride of almost 28 miles back at the car by 1515. Weather: breezy & fine sunny periods.


35 miles today. No wind..actually there's a 1mph breeze. Ironically i hate it when its like that, it means a headwind all the time, whichever direction you travel in. The workloads not so high, but its continuous. I'd rather fight a headwind then have the luxury of a tailwind.
Peterborough, head west, then south to Alconbury, over the A1 then back north home.

Does anyone ever kinda regret sounding off at someone ? Last mile or so takes me down a gravelly track. I could see a guy with 5 or 6 big dogs on the track, slowed down as i approached, slowed right down as i got closer, guy looks round, makes NO attempt to gather his loose dogs, i slowly passed on the other side of the track...and of course the dogs leapt straight across causing me to bump one of them and lose control a bit.

'Yeah, cheers for that'
'well you could have rung your bell further back' (i havnt got one and the crunchy gravelly path alerted him long before i was there)
'thats turned round and saw me from 20/30 yeards away and made no attempt to respect my right to be here as well'
He started to reply, looked a bit wistful....and i told him he's an idiot, a sorry for the lack of control of his dogs would have been nice.

An overeaction by me, not in what happened but my tone of voice...shoulda known i'd do it, i could see it coming.

Ah well, good ride anyway, suns out, its mild, 5 Red Kite and a bacon sarnie and tea once back. Magic.


West Somerset
21 miles today in the sunshine earlier today, first ride on the Orbea with the computer hooked up. I wasn't really pushing it so was chuffed to see that my average speed was 13.7 :biggrin: I know that's not fast for some, but it was for me! Oh, and I've learned my lesson about doing sharp corners at 26mph. Good thing there wasn't a car coming t'other way :blush:


A lovely 26 mile spin in the sunshine this morning around the local lanes of Bulphan, West Horndon and Orsett. Never seen so many cyclists out in the lanes during the week before, must be that sun!


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Another lovely (19 mile) spin in the autumnal sunshine, made all the better by having mrs-craigwend as my cycling bud, though i saw more runners than cycling whilst out today.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
18miles today. Met another cyclist who was trying out his new cleats. He said he tries not to stop as he falls over every time. We had a good laugh then he turned off . Supposed to be raining all day tomorrow so bike will stay in the dry
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