Lovely jaunt up onto Portsdown Hill, then down the South Coast way down the East side of Portsea island, stopped on the seafront for an ice-cream and then reversed the route back home again. I was reckying the route for a charity walk that I'm helping to organise; the route itself is 8 miles long, I ended up doing 35.
Coming back in rush-hour was amusing; I do love the wooshing sound that cars make as I go flying past them with a big grin on my face! I do wish drivers wouldn't go into autopilot when sitting in traffic though, one dozy bint was right over in the cycle lane, I had to pick my way past her and I put my face right down to her windscreen and loudly said, "you're driving in the cycle lane". She didn't even register that I was there, glazed look in the eyes, so I gave up and cycled off!