Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Interesting....... Hmmmm. I haven't altered saddle height at all since I got it (what i thought was) right for me. I figured it was just me being unfit. But its always the thighs just above the knees that burn. Rest of the muscle is ok.....
I'll raise the saddle a nip and see what happens.....

Don't everyone's legs burn when they cycle??

TBF, when mine were burning, it was the whole thigh muscle on the front, so maybe thats not your problem. Still, maybe worth trying.
Leg burn in general, no. Even when i push hard to average 17mph over 30/40 Legs tired, yes.... leg burn, no.


Bolton Abbey today .Glorious ride .Was trying to get to Embsay Railway .But not sure how long from Bolton Abbey so called it a draw .Went back to Otley for a brew .Super day.


West Somerset
I had a very fast ride (for me) into Taunton earlier. Checked the computer at one point and it said that my 15mph was below my average speed!

Alas, the tub of fat balls strapped to the bike on the way back, not to mention the hills, brought my average back down to earth: 11.8mph.

Great fun though


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Looking forward to 2 hours out on my bike this evening... always against the wind going out so I can have fun coming home!
Edit: 23 miles up to Morpeth, Mitford, Meldon, Belsay and home. Got caught up in the Tyneside Vagabonds 10 mile time trial on the way home which was incredible...some of the bikes must be worth more than our car! Had a really good chat to the marshalls at the junctions.


Another 30 miles commuting today, temps are just right to enjoy riding without getting too hot.

Why is it (and i already know the answer really)..just a nice steady ride either way today, not slow but just rolling along nicely, i still averaged 15mph over the 30 miles and that was with quite a few TLs and ped crossings that were against me...but you can hammer along and still only do 17 mph average. :sad:
Remember me what looks like a shortcut isn't necessary a shortcut :rolleyes: My wee ride tonight took me straight into a strong headwind (the met says it was 17mph with 30mph gusts); I thought I'd half the distance in the wind by taking a nice wee road, it takes you 2.2 miles straight up a hill (according to RideWithGPS averaging 4.5% and maxing at 14.7%, the bit at the bottom is 6.5% for 1.3 miles) to a dead end (why couldn't that be signed at the bottom). Unfortunately I couldn't fly on the descent its that narrow, twisty, gravelly and potholed, so I had to really up the pace in to the headwind after all to get home before pitch black, I had good lights but its easier to progress avoid potholes etc in the light.


Über Member
nice ride in this Am: sunny and warm. Did a double scalp offroad uphill on a fixed wheel with smooth tyres. That must be worth a few points!


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
A fast 40 for me today. Out into the Penines then out on to the Cheshire Plain. Got caught up in a TT on the A50 near Holmes Chapel. I was flying at that point anyway so kept the power on, scalped a couple of the TT riders then back through Knutsford and Tatton Park. Got back checked Endomondo and found I had covered 10 miles in 27 mins 42. Pretty happy with that particularly as I was on my Ribble road bike riding on the hoods. Maybe I should get a TT bike and have a proper go. :tongue: :whistle:


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
Holy Island to Coldstream via Berwick and Norham, then back. Tea stop in the Bus Cafe near the Union Bridge; smashing flapjack!
My mates doing an APR so we went to scout it out, (thats the Gifford loop on this ride) he was right about the weather; it was a nice but windy morning and rain was supposed to come in the afternoon/evening (I think it started raining about 2:30 and hasn't stopped since). Its a pretty hilly course and the first section is really exposed but there's a good long, straight downhill :-) Fly through ;-)


Well-Known Member
I did a 30 mile route on my own and found it very togh going with a strong headwind all the way round, The wind made the climbs seem twice as hard. But still manages to complete the corse in 2hrs with a pee stop halfway round, I feel totaly exhausted now and hope I can manage a gentle bible with some mate tomorrow
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