Did the Ups n Downs ride today, started getting shooting pains in my knee after a few hills, decided to cut the ride short & follow the shorter 'fun route' instead - 45 miles
Highlights of the day... Attacked by a HariKari Bumble Bee & nearly taken out by a dozy bint with spacial awareness issues!!
The Bee - started on a nice downhill, glanced down at speedo, just hit 26 & lots more hill to go 'Come on' I thought to myslef, then looked up in time to see the worlds biggest bee haeding staright at me - It exploded all over my glasses!! Half my water & emergency tissues later & I was good to go, Bee guts do not taste nice!
What comes down must go up...steeply!
Dozy Bint - Battling up a steepish bendy hill, sign at bottom states Single Track with passing points.. Half way up, I can hear a car behind, glance over shoulder, gold coloured convertable right on my ass, i'm sure if she had revved her engine anymore it would have shot through the bonnet, on a hill that steep there was no way I was stopping, she would just have to wait till the next Passing Point, she starts to pull along side, I glance at her, at that point i could hear very loud diesel engine coming down the hill, something which the convertable driver would have been totaly unaware of with her iPod earphones in!
I started to shout pull back & wave her behind me, but she decided that was the monet she wanted to overtake, her wing mirror brushed my hand! So she shoots past, right on a bend & into the path on oncoming farmers Jeepy, her only course of action was swing back to the left & slam her brakes on.. Then take her foot off the clutch so the car roll back - right into me!
I slammed my hand on her boot, she hit the brakes "Gosh I totaly misjudged that" "Yes you bloody well did" "Well it's not my fault you're riding so slow, you shouldn't be on the road" "neither should you" "Why do you cyclist always have such a bad attitude" and roared off...!
Thnak you farmer type person for getting out & making sure I was OK