Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Jeezo that is a serious climb at 22-ish miles.
I'm still on rides wi the Dev group by the way lol ;-P Am thinking week after Kinross for my first 945.

That's the Logie Kirk road a bit of a biatch of a climb, I did warn him :rolleyes: but chapeau to him for making it.

Did you sort out a drop bar bike once you have that you'll be flying.

I took it a bit easier today and went for a recovery ride before the Amstel; it was a pretty short race and it was a lovely evening so I couldn't resist going out again and doing the climb from Culross, one nice chap on that wished me good luck :smile:


Cycling is fun ...
A good weekend for CC Ecosse on MyCyclingLog, we are in 9th place now :thumbsup:
EdinDave - we need your miles :hello: (if you fancy signing up, register then "request to join" the group)

Back on topic ...

We headed out west for a change, for a quick afternoon ride. Along the Canal & Water of Leith to Balerno, then followed the NCN75 to Kirknewton, turned off SE along a B road, a short stretch of the Lanark Road (A70), before going along back roads to the reservoirs above Balerno and back home via the allotment (rhubarb harvest :tongue: :hungry: ).
Spring has well and truly sprung, flowering trees everywhere, lots of wee lambs & calves in the fields, and an amazing amout of wildlife, :sun: , and lots of cyclists of all ages, which was great to see.



Had a nice little 25 miler the other day.

Fabulous weather, so I toddled out up to Fox House, and dropped down into Hathersage. I whipped off to the left towards Grindleford, and on towards Calver. (They've put some more ruddy hills in since I last went there :biggrin: )

Slightly oddly, I nearly had a clipless moment at Calver crossroads. I had loads of time, but couldn't decide which foot to do! The net result being I nearly didn't do either...)

Anyway, I popped along past Curbar and into Baslow.

Then the steady, long climb up from Baslow to Owler Bar, with a run down into Holmesfield and back into Sheffield.

Average speed about 15mph. No idea about the elevetion, I haven't got a thingummy!

I'm off out in a bit for another ride!


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Another great day out today, enjoying my new found freedom following redundancy at work :hello:.

From Largs up the Haylie Brae and over to Kilbirnie where I joined the NCN cycle track to Lochwinnoch, Johnstone, Bridge of Weir and Kilmacolm. At Kilmacolm I left the cycle track and took the Auchentiber Road over to the High Greenock Road, then through the rough track (not good for my new roadie, but I took it slowly) to Garshangan and Loch Thom. From Loch Thom down through the Brisbane Glen and back to Largs :smile:.

45 miles, and the average speed is slowly starting to creep up. Today was 13.7 mph.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Half way round the 16 mile circuit I do mid-week on my bike [it's a Giant hybrid] I was passed by 3 peletons [sp?] from a cycle club out on a time trial or some sort of organised event complete with numbers on their backs and transit van at the back in support, so did my best to keep up with the last group who were still going faster than me as they disappeared round the bends. Got home to find I'd done the 16 miles in 57 minutes. Made my day!.... I think I'll follow them again next time! :smile:


Just got in from cycling to Spa Cycles ,Harrogate .It was hot and i did it on the main roads all the way .Awful.And it seemed uphill all the way .And uphill all the way back .I did come back a different way .So my advice is don't go to HarroWgate via Harewood House route.
But i did get my Carradice carradura maxi seatpost bag .£15.So all ends well .


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I never like cycling to Harragut.

My ride today started off with 2 punctures. The first I patched but the choob was obviously k-nackered so after the 2nd I stuck my last new one in. It was fine.

After that I managed to set my legs on fire several times cycling up hills. Occasionally I burst my lungs just for a change.

This is good. It means I am getting fit. I am now starting to climb hills like I want to beat the heck out of them.


Legendary Member
Dont normally post my commuting rides here but today was a bit of a first - extended my ride home to make the commute just over 100Km - usual 36Km ride in Leicester to Cov this morning, but took the scenic route back home through monks kirby, Claybrooke magna, ullesthorpe, ashby parva, dunton bassett, walton, bruntingthorpe, and other quiet villages - well nice it was too.
I popped out for a wee ride tonight, stupidly decided I was running out of light and decided to come back via the busy A985 trunk road, then changed my mind and took a cycle path, then realised it was taking me in the wrong direction, looped pack on an uneven farm track and ended up on the busy A985 again. There was road works on the road slowing the traffic down/ breaking up traffic, so I decided to stay on it and maximise my progress into a headwind.

Deleted member 1258

Dont normally post my commuting rides here but today was a bit of a first - extended my ride home to make the commute just over 100Km - usual 36Km ride in Leicester to Cov this morning, but took the scenic route back home through monks kirby, Claybrooke magna, ullesthorpe, ashby parva, dunton bassett, walton, bruntingthorpe, and other quiet villages - well nice it was too.

I was in that area Sunday, on my back from the Market Bosworth battle field Café, turned right in Monks Kirby to go up past the church and cross the Fosse, through Withybrook and Shilton to come into Coventry through Wood End and Bell Green.


New Member
Hitched up the trailer to the Ghostrider, piled it full of nails, tools and bags of chicken crap - and headed off to the allotment to build a new composter. Iphone set to Subgiant, sun set to hot; sunglasses on, beers in trailer bag, grin set to wide.

I love days like these.


New Member
I spent a few days with the family in Fife last week and it made for some amaizing cycling. I was there for three days and each morning I did about 25 miles. I went out at about 7:30 each moirning and as I said......most enjoyable. First thing I noticed was the quality of the roads! Well done to Fife council, honestly compared with Glasgow and South Lanarkshire, almost no potholes!

Next thing, Fife is as flat as a pancake! was able to cycle 25 miles and felt like I had done about 10! and some awesome views and beautiful villages.

My route......My link




Wish I could start every morning with this ride!


Deleted member 1258

Healing for the spirit, a mornings cycling on a beautiful spring day lifts the spirit. What can be better, a favourite café as the destination, Earlswood Craft Centre, a hot sunny spring morning, quiet country lanes, warm sun on my back, birds flying about, birdsong in my ears, bright spring flowers in the verges and fields, the small patches of woodland I passed were all carpeted in bluebells. Sat out the back of the Cafe under a tree with something to eat watching near by chickens scratting about in their run, watching Mr blackbird pecking around in the grass looking for worms and insects and flying of, I presume to a nest, with his beak full. Then the ride home, sticking to the lanes as much as possible, 53 miles and I'm sat here with tired legs but at peace with the world. Its been a great morning.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Out in the sun :biggrin: for an hour / just under 20 miles...

still a cool breeeze out there, but good to be out in the sun :becool: as most of my rides tend to be after tea...

hopefully get a few more miles in over the next few days :hello:
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