Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Newburgh to cruden bay and back. Lovely warm evening on the way out, got cold and dark quickly on the return but still a nice 20 miles that I wouldn't normally manage if I wasn't working away.

Bringing the bike away is definately worth the hassle of loading it early in the morning before setting off.

Saddle bum

Über Member
East(ish) wind today, so still a nip in the air. The other day I christened my new wheels, today I reverted to the trusty training jobbies. You DO notice the difference.

Anyway after trying to improve the climbing technique up the steepest climb, some tuggo comes roaring past on his 30 year old bike turning something like 53X11. On the next hill he went looking for the gear lever, could not find it and crept along at 2mph. I could not help grinning as I sailed past. He just swore at me.

There was some excitement in the shower, (calm down). I managed to poke a finger up my nose complete with new cut nail which opened up the nasal lining filling the shower with blood. It looked like the scene out of Psycho.


Legendary Member
112Km down to Brixworth (just north of northampton) Meandering through various villages such as cold ashby, thornby, naesby, cottesbrooke, clipston, marston trussel (??) theddingworth etc - lovely day sunshine most of the way (cloudy first hour) - managed to hit 65KMpH from Naesby to Cottesbrooke too fueled by 3 bananas and 2 satsumas. Lovely...


Well-Known Member
Just thirty miles but the weather here was beautiful, really warm, grinning from ear to ear just glad to be out. Even caught a stray horse returned it to a field then cycled up a sodding great hill to track down the owner, found him, a crusty with dreadlocks and a small child. He said the horse had kicked him and bolted so a good day and a good deed done


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Three good days riding, as a test of my fitness to see if I can cope with 50+ miles per day over 3 days, as I have a crazy ambition to do a coast to coast and also a Scotland end to end at some point over the summer.

Tuesday was a 50 miler local ride from Largs to Glasgow and part way back before jumping on a train!

Wednesday, loaded up the new Carradice saddle bag and strapped it onto the Tricross. Caught an early train (well 3 of them actually) to arrive in Dumfries for 1030. Then another 50 miles along the Solway coast to Annan, and north to Lockerbie and Moffat. B&B in Moffat, followed by another 53 miles today. Moffat to Edinburgh, then the train home.

Over 150 miles in 3 days, all in nice warm(ish) sunshine. Bring on the C2C!


Legendary Member
125km out to eyebrooke resevoir, forgot how hilly it was out there ( all the place names ending ....on the hill should have given me a clue) got a bit lost ( fell off the map haha) but made it back ok - legs hurt seems the last few bike rides (~300Km in 3 days) are catching up with me.....


Salford Quays
Yesterday ( Thursday ) got out on bike along the Bridgewater canal and River Mersey from Pomona Strand ( Nr Salford Quays ) to Stockport and back , even caught a bit of sunburn :thumbsup:

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Yesterday - an unbelievably epic ride in Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria with a mate on our Airnimals. We covered 52 miles and 5704 ft of climbing in spectacular weather. The hills were just relentless and loads of people were out riding. Today I am broken and inexplicably hungry every five minutes. It was absolutely stunning.


Yesterday - an unbelievably epic ride in Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria with a mate on our Airnimals. We covered 52 miles and 5704 ft of climbing in spectacular weather. The hills were just relentless and loads of people were out riding. Today I am broken and inexplicably hungry every five minutes. It was absolutely stunning.

:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :thumbsup: Kin ell !!!!!
Well well done :tongue:


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Done a trial run for a hilly 160km Sportive in a month or two.

YorkVia: Strensall,York

Via: Bulmer

Via: Castle Howard,York

Via: Slingsby,York

Via: Hovingham,York

Via: Sheriff Hutton,York

Via: Strensall,York


Distance: 74.4 kilometres according to the AA (can't be bothered to fit the cycle computer). It included two trips through the city centre so I was happy to get back in 2 hrs 55m elapsed time, feeling fairly fresh. I want to do the Sportive in under 6.5 hrs.

Next long one will be the full 160km.


And at the other end of the mileage scale....:sad: 5 miles today, nothing yesterday, 5 miles Wednesday.
Head cold :sad: no energy, high temps, tired tired tired. Tried a bit of a spurt on the way home tonight...bleughh. Nothing in the legs at all.
Worst of all, yesterday was my day off, best day of the year so far...and i was ill, so no ride. What a missed opportunity. That'd have been my 50 miler minimum.

soulful dog

Did my first long ride since around September last year, 30-odd miles (rough estimate using gmaps as my bike computer seems to be giving up the ghost). Pretty flat, partly on roads but then along the River Clyde and back along the Forth and Clyde Canal. Loads of people out jogging and cycling, it's amazing what a little bit of sunshine does. I timed it well too, as it just started to cloud over as I was on my way home. I'm knackered now though, don't think I'll ever be able to build up my mileage to a more 'decent' amount.

Also tried out my new Sennheiser PX 100-II headphones instead of my usual in-ear set, much better to be able to hear the outside world with while listening to the radio, but I can't wear them with my helmet, so still not perfect!


Did my first long ride since around September last year
Ditto. Did a 52 mile ride (83.85km according to the GPS) from Stafford railway station to Nuneaton railway station and managed to bag 3 BCQ sites. Legs and knees feeling a slight sensation of having put in some effort (Cannock Chase was a bit hillier than I had expected) but I'm sure they'll be fine tomorrow, particularly if I walk a few miles as a recuperative effort.
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