Your ride today.... (part 1)

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West Somerset
A random selection of some of my photos taken in Brittany last month, posted in no particular order. These ones are from some of my rides on both side of La Rance estuary just south of St Malo. There's others I might post but I'll keep them for the Photography thread as I took them on walks etc. :thumbsup:

Bridges on the southern outskirts of Dinan. I cycled over them both.
Bridges at the bottom of Dinan 24june14 (800x600).jpg

And this is what the viaduct looks like from above. Did I mention that it's a bloody steep hill to get up there?!
Dinan 27june14 (800x589).jpg

The church in Saint Pere. Had to stop for a photo as soon I turned the corner and looked up the street. Don't know why, I just liked it.
Church in Saint-Pere 25june14 (600x800).jpg

A random road. Much of the countryside looked like this. I was so pleased to come home and see hills again.
Gentle undulations 24june14 (800x600).jpg

Not far from our villa:
Heading west 22june14 (800x451).jpg

More bridges, this time in Lehon near Dinan.
Lehon 27june14 (3) (800x599).jpg

View of La Rance, just a mile or so to the north of where we were staying.
Riding beside La Rance 22june14 (800x600).jpg

I was busting for a wee and nearly at my planned lunch stop but this scene was so peaceful I had to stop for a photo. No wee though due to a lack of hedgerows and too many houses / passing traffic.
Ruisseau de la Goutte 25june14 (800x601).jpg

Got attacked by a horse fly when I stopped to enjoy this random standing stone. Moved on swiftly, didn't take the time to mark my position on the map.
Standing stone 25june14 (3) (800x600).jpg

I liked this.
Windmill 25june14 (800x600).jpg


Legendary Member
I began my phased return to work today, for the 1st time since mum passed away, hard but needed to try to get back to a bit of normality. I am allowed early finishes to begin with and so finished at 3pm which meant enough time for a short ride that I wanted to get in before our 50 mile ride on Friday, before tea with nephew :thumbsup:.

It was very warm and sunny as I took a regular route to Upton Magna, Withington, Walcot, Longden on Tern, Rodington and back via Uffington again.

Lovely to be out, with very little breeze and I even thought I would get round without any idiots in vehicles annoying me........until half a mile from home where a van passed me, pulled in to drop his mate off on the wrong side of the road and then pulled away without checking his mirrors as I was alongside him on the left. Luckily I could sense he was going to do it and so had slowed down enough to stop :cursing:

18.86 miles
13.4 mph avg speed (my fastest ever and 1st time over 13mph avg :hyper:)

Looking forward to Friday now!!


Legendary Member
A random selection of some of my photos taken in Brittany last month, posted in no particular order. These ones are from some of my rides on both side of La Rance estuary just south of St Malo. There's others I might post but I'll keep them for the Photography thread as I took them on walks etc. :thumbsup:

Bridges on the southern outskirts of Dinan. I cycled over them both.
View attachment 51027

And this is what the viaduct looks like from above. Did I mention that it's a bloody steep hill to get up there?!
View attachment 51029

The church in Saint Pere. Had to stop for a photo as soon I turned the corner and looked up the street. Don't know why, I just liked it.
View attachment 51028

A random road. Much of the countryside looked like this. I was so pleased to come home and see hills again.
View attachment 51030

Not far from our villa:
View attachment 51031

More bridges, this time in Lehon near Dinan.
View attachment 51032
View of La Rance, just a mile or so to the north of where we were staying.
View attachment 51033

I was busting for a wee and nearly at my planned lunch stop but this scene was so peaceful I had to stop for a photo. No wee though due to a lack of hedgerows and too many houses / passing traffic.
View attachment 51034

Got attacked by a horse fly when I stopped to enjoy this random standing stone. Moved on swiftly, didn't take the time to mark my position on the map.
View attachment 51035

I liked this.
View attachment 51036

Beautiful photos as always Jo. :thumbsup:


On holiday in Alnmouth (the bike has come with me too) with the family. My brother, his wife and lad have their bikes with them too and I spotted a do-able ride for them which gives the youngster a bit of an adventure (he's 5).

I followed the off-road cycleway south to Warkworth and the Castle. He's gonna love that, the only part that might have any traffic at all is crossing the bridge in Warkworth (50 yards or so) before going around the back of houses and climbing to the Castle.

I found out how well he climbs yesterday when we rode to the beach. It's a steep drop down to the sand on a concrete path (10% + easily at the bottom) and he walked his bike down it. He then rode back up it :ohmy: :bravo:


World class procrastinator
I got a ride in this morning and am posting now I'm home from work and from walking the dogs.
I rode from home to the hospital again, to meet Hubster from his new morning slot of dialysis. I had great entertainment putting the front wheel back on, it refused to go in straight. I had 5 or 6 goes before the wheel went in. I was in a hurry which was why is was a problem. I practiced on my guitar for an extra 10 minutes then noticed the time :ohmy:
I did a quick loop of Park Lane and then headed down the Silfield Road and the fast route to the hospital. Boy oh boy is that Norwich Road a different road to ride on in the daytime. 4 bus overtakes, multiple 4x4s all over the place, one who put his wheels up on the central reservation bollarded bit in his bid to shave 2 seconds off his car journey. I caught up with him a couple of hundred yards further up when there was a tractor and trailer faffing in the middle of the road. I just looked smugly at him.

10.2 miles in 39.11 so averaged 15.6mph. Had to stop half way there as I felt a bit wibbly. I think it was the sun.
Might go out with hubster after the TdF highlights as the weather is lovely.


Here for rides.
That would explain it. Wonder what they'll do if Scotland votes yes...
Given when that church was built, my money is on them doing exactly the same as they did when Scotland was independent first time around. Nowt.:whistle:

utterly jealous that you live in riding distance of the Quantocks btw.


Powered by M&M's
Local Open TT this morning only 10kms from home so cycled from home as part of my warm up. The temperature was already 20 degrees when I left home at 8:15.
Rode out along the A432 thru' Coalpit Heath & skirted around south Yate before reaching the Village Hall in Iron Acton, a relatively small field for this new event ( 35 riders).
The course has recently been adjusted, starting further up the Wooton Road & turning at Charfield roundabout.

Good conditions but I was unable to get a PB :sad: 24 seconds down with a time of 26:04. But did manage to beat my Vets. standard time !
To put my effort into context the winners time was 21:57 ................. :eek:

Great coffee & cake back at HQ then a gentle pootle back home via Winterborne.

Couple of pics of me in action yesterday !!




Legendary Member
39.1 miles today, and very hot too!

I went to Pedal-On, one of the LBS’ around here to order some wheels for the enemies’ bike and to buy some new bar tape for mine.

As we are new to these parts I decided not plan a route and just head out in the general direction of the shop and check out the area so to speak, I turns out I didn’t wonder too far off, I kept finding roads that were “oh I see where I am” roads. At one point I headed down a newly tarmacked only to find a mile later it is a bridleway, it wasn’t really suitable for my road bike but I persevered slowly till I found a metaled road again. I then headed in the direction of Bucklebury, where Prince George’s granny lives. A nice, but bit posh café there where I had a cup of splosh and a croissant.

Then headed down the hill past the huge monastery down to Aldermaston and on to Tadley where Pedal On shop is. I met two blokes there on nice bikes a Holdsworth and a Roberts, doing a 200k audax and they were “feeling” it.

After conducting my business I returned pretty much the way I came but popped off down some roads I’d never been down before. I stopped off at a local shop for an ice cream and sat outside, three young chavs turned up effing and blinding about some nonsense or other, one of them was riding the daft bike pictured below.

I got home with 34.25 on the clock, so I continued up Sulham hill passed my house and bunged on another few miles to make it look like I’d been on a proper ride.

A lovely day to be riding a bike.


The Bridleway

The Bridleway

Posh Tea

Strange goings on in this village

Things hanging from houses


And On Lawns

A very silly bicycle.

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