Your day's wildlife

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Devotee of OCD
Lone seagull who came to join me this Morning while I waited for the sun to rise on the last day of Holidays……



Gravitationally challenged member
After a short ride out to Gunthorpe to scrump a few apples, I returned via a new (to me) bridle path along the N bank of the Trent. About 250 m upstream of Gunthorpe bridge I heard a high pitched "peee-eh" sound, then some chittering "ki-ki-ki" noises. (Eurasian) Hobby, although I couldn't see them due to high hedge. Luckily there was a gap a few metres further on, and I soon spotted a juvenile halfway up a tree, in clear view. An adult flew by twice, the juvenile took to the wing and turned upside down in flight to take food from it! An aerial food pass.
My camera skills aren't up to the job of following these very active falcons in flight, and anyway I was open-jawed in wonder, but here's a couple of long distance pics of the juvenile perched.


Here's one of what they were probably eating: a dragonfly. Migrant Hawker, I think. There were some other species, including Red Darter(?) but this was the only one co-operative enough to stay still for a portrait.

Another 100 metres upstream and near the far bank was a flock of about 50 Greylag geese - even noisier than the Hobbies.


used to seeing birds in the store, even a mouse or two. but this .....

I remember walking round a corner one warm summers be met with the sight of....a lizard about 40cm long, about 30ft away. I froze instantly, watching the thing for a few seconds.

Then it quickly dawned on was a kids plastic dimetrodon :sad:

Oh ffs I laughed to myself.
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