Why don't you post on Society, Culture & Politics?

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Far East Sussex
believe me, you might not quite believe some of what goes on behind the scenes even on a mild cycling forum.
I believe you.

Most people might not believe what I went through in a mere 3 years administrating/moderating my own not-so-mild cycling forum, never mind the aftermath when I did walk away from it, which reverberates to this day. This is not a don't-cry-for-me-Argentina moment; why should anyone know, or indeed, care? Consider it my version of @swansonj's post about pylon design. We all bring our experiences with us.

Forums have become, perforce, an area of expertise, not just from ACF but from a stint administrating the even older C+ forum. The amount of stomach-churning bile and actual hatred I experienced left me shell-shocked enough to mostly give up on forums for years, dipping in and out of them only to continue to get my fix. They can be maddeningly addictive....
If I had a genuine gripe it would be that sometimes its approach "leaks" onto other sections where it is neither expected or particularly welcome.
One of my concerns about starting this thread in the Cafe. My reason for doing so was because it was suggested the thread I have going in the dark zone [a Lexx reference] would perhaps have been better posted outside of it. I was curious, myself.

Although I don't often post in SC&P, I decided to dive in and do my bit out of pure selfishness: I like to post on a forum where I feel safe to post. Safe anywhere. A special board to contain nastiness is a fairly common device (if seldom the acknowledged reason). As I wrote nearly 9 years ago (christ has it been that long?) – and sorry to quote myself at length, it's simply a way to save labour:

Conventional wisdom, to which I have subscribed, is that acf should strive to be all-inclusive. It has recently occurred to me that this is impossible, or at least unnecessary. What I mean is, a forum can't be all things to all people. When drawing up the blueprints you decide the sorts of discussions you want and who you wish to attract. "Well, everybody!" one thinks; the more the merrier. Don't get me wrong: I'd love to host as many different personalities and viewpoints as possible. But this is why we have different forums.

Those who want a bit of rough are spoilt for choice on the world wild web. acf is meant to be a safe haven. There's no 'Rant/Soapbox'-style board, for example, due to my belief that it tends to give the idea that there are no boundaries even while attempting to set them, and it can be difficult to contain the ill feeling that may breed within. It's quite possible to enjoy robust debate without a specially constructed thunderdome.

This style of architecture helps refine our demographic considerably, and improves your freedom of choice to find a discussion group which suits you best. Think of it like shopping for a bicycle. Would you want all shops to carry exactly the same stock?

The virtual anonymity forum life offers can be a powerful lure to the dark side. At the risk of offending, a comparison can be made with 'cagers'. Nice guy gets behind the wheel of a car, occasionally changes from Jekyll to Hyde without warning. Cops deal with motorists, not individuals: I have to look at people's behaviour on acf, not out in the Real World.™ Anyone eager to rip the still-beating heart out of all comers is invited to operate elsewhere, and I'm going to stop worrying about making free speech martyrs. It's better than suffering death by a thousand cuts.
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Rollin' along
Manchester way
I'm sure all that is true. I'm not directly comparing football fans to sc&P contributors (I am not talking about the non contributers,) other than to say that each is passionate about the topic and likely to show a lack of patience to those who are not...if they make an uneducated comment.

I think if you accept this of many sc&p posters then it will go a long way to help explain their attitudes...whilst not forgiving them.

I disagree entirely with what you've put here, we're not dealing with polymaths imparting their wisdom to troglodytes, simply a small gang that seem to have made a particular area too toxic for some equally intelligent and capable people to be comfortable visiting and particpating in.

However it serves a useful purpose and keeps the cafe etc more chilled so while not my cuppa, I'm happy to not rock this particular boat.
There's a pub round the corner from me which is full of chavs. I know it's full of chavs and I don't go there.
I know, but what if it's a great pub and loads of people would love to go but for a handful of chavs? Woukd you never mention to the landlord that it could be really popular and di well withiut the chavs?


Cracking a solo.
I often read the threads in SC&P I find they're quite interesting sometimes, I'm quite sure I've learnt from reading others views on things although I'm not sure I'd go as far to say that I had changed my opinion on anything as a result of what I'd read there.
I very rarely post there, in fact the first time I did I got told to **** off to Bike Radar, which was nice. I possibly would more often but I find that a point I may wish to make or an opinion I may wish to air has quite often been posted numerous times already so my two penneth would be a bit of a waste of the internet (of course it could be very resonably argued that it would be a waste of the internet whether it had been posted previously or not).
The most infruriating thing I find about it is the regular posting of "Try reading what I wrote, not what you think I wrote" or similar to suggest the inferiority of an individuals understanding or intellect. It appears to me to follow deliberately ambiguous posts and if they're not deliberately ambiguous and someone feels they keep having to say it, maybe they should look at themselves.
All in all though, it's fine, I like hearing other peoples point of view, if you don't, don't go there. It's really not that hard.
Anyway, recently it's dead. The turnover of threads is low and contributions down, or so it seems to me. Is that just my perception or is that the case. Is that the point of this thread as well?
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