Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone?

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Not surprising, since there isn't actually any valid reasoning.

But while I've seen his subsequent posts since, that wasn't what he was actually saying.

If he thinks the COVID vaccine is for some reason less safe than the other 16 his hid will have had, then perhaps he needs to find out rather more about the subject than he seems to know.
Fit and healthy is often used to describe people when a better phrase for many would be “Not ill but not healthy“.
I get that. You never expect it to be them, but that’s the way it goes. Seems to be a trend of office staff becoming the most ill. The shop floor people are the ones who smoke & drink too much but have shrugged it off like a common cold. It doesn’t discriminate.


50? Been smoking a long time? And a decent number of death sticks? Probably got COPD and cardiovascular disease unfortunately. Neither helpful alongside Covid
I agree. I think others will fall victim too before the summer burn out.


East Sussex
He seemed slim & healthy but a 50 year old smoker.

No offence intended but a 50yr old smoker vs a potentially nasty respiratory illness, you must see this puts him potentially at massive risk.

I know someone fit young and healthy who caught Covid pre vaccine and she is in wheel chair due to fatigue and heart/lung damage, not a smoker and no underlying issues.

A vaccine isn’t a cure all or magic shield, other measures help.


South Wales
Alex - please read the thread and avoid attacking people (parental fitness, disqualification from job). Everyone's entitled to their choice, particularly regarding marginal (according to JCVI negligible) benefit vaccines for healthy juniors. Or do you think all vaccines should be mandatory by law? In which case, emigrate to live in a society than follows that approach.
At that point, I thought he was talking about all vaccines, since he didn't mention the COVID one specifically in either that or his previous post.

I hadn't read further on to see that in fact he only meant the COVID vaccine - though why he thinks that is any different to the rest I don't know.


South Wales
Who is that nut job?

The "nut job(s)" would be most of the people you have referred to as experts :smile:

Alex read properly,

I don't read the whole thread before responding, I start at the last place I read, and usually respond to posts as I reach them. And that post by you (and your previous one) appeared to just be a blanket "no vaccination" of 6 year olds.

Apologies for not reading ahead to find you had later said you didn't mean what it seemed.

the child has had every vaccine going apart from Covid. A child who eats a lot of fruit & veg. Has her own swimming coach. Cycles, goes to park run. I’d say is more privileged than millions of other children in this country. Also millions don’t take vaccines for religious reasons. So you can rant about how bad religion is if it makes one feel better.

Ok, That is good.

But just what is it about the COVID vaccine that makes it so different from all the others you have quite reasonably agreed to give.


Could you tell me, please, what religion these millions follow, which instructs them, among all the other rules and tenets, to decline vaccines?
Our Muslim community won’t take it. Could be other religions too as there’s so many.

Please tell me this document is fake.


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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
... My work friend can’t breathe because the 3 jabs haven’t worked. Next you’ll tell me if it wasn’t for the 3 jabs he’d be dead now. Maybe he needed a 4th?


How many people do you know that have had the three jabs and aren't in hospital and can breathe quite normally?? Is it more than one?

it's a very straight forward question.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Our Muslim community won’t take it. Could be other religions too as there’s so many.

In other news, when i went to get my three jabs, plenty of my Muslim neighbours were there too.

I've just read that (half a) document. I thought it was going to be a religious doctrine or something, telling Muslims that Sharia Law is anti-vax... but it's got nothing to do with Islam.

You don't half have a 'scatter gun' approach to debating. Say one thing, then throw up some 'evidence' for something completely different... it's all a bit bizarre.
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South Wales
Our Muslim community won’t take it. Could be other religions too as there’s so many.
"Your" Muslim community is as VERY tiny fraction of the Muslim community of the UK. I have no idea why they won't take it, but it isn't for religious reasons.

The vast majority have been taking it, as there is absolutely NO part of their religion preventing them doing so. When I went for my booster, late November, there were plenty of Muslims there getting their jabs.

The Muslim Council of Britain are happy to recommend all three vaccines

And the Muslim countries of the world have similar vaccination rates to other countries in those parts.

Please tell me this document is fake.
Why would we tell you a completely meaningless document is "fake"?


More wheels than sense
Our Muslim community won’t take it. Could be other religions too as there’s so many.

Please tell me this document is fake.

Do you know who sent that letter ? If it's an official communication it should have senders details and document reference numbers etc .

Or was it just another jpeg on social media?
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Our Muslim community won’t take it.
I know nothing about 'your' Muslim community, but the Muslim community round here most certainly WILL 'take it'. When I went for my very first vac back in February last year, it was held in a cathedral and many Muslims were present and looking around very interested. There were vac clinic held in mosques and gurdwaras too and many people not of those religions chose to go to those out of a sense of interest too. Why would a religion offer their own houses of worship for vac clinics if they were opposed to said vaccination?

Some people who follow the Islamic faith won't take it - for a range of reasons, nothing to do with Islam itself - just as there are some people of the various Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, Bahai, Zoroastrian, and other faith groups, and none, who refuse to take it for a range of reasons. The leaders (where such persons exist) and top advisors of ALL major, and minor, faiths, and their various 'divisions' which are generally at odds with each other, are - as far as I know - of one voice here and that is in instructing their followers that the vaccines are perfectly permissible and indeed to be encouraged.

Of course there may well be a religion of which I am unaware and which has millions of followers who refuse vaccination, as you claim, so I would like to know which one it is.

BTW the document you posted in the same post as the above quote has no connection with ANY religion still less with Islam, and none with this country (UK) either.
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