Our friends and their children have all tested positive this afternoon ..... for a cold ..... we’ve all just had a barbie in the rain at ours ,,, no doubt our lot will also test positive for a cold in due course ....
Wish there was a daily test for heart disease ..... then maybe I would not be staring at the end of my life ...
But you just all enjoy your Covid obsession and forget about the 1500 that die every day ... without covid ... every day ...
Just as something shares initial symptoms with a cold, that doesn’t make it a cold, your incredulity doesn’t make it a cold either.
The latest variant may hopefully be less severe than delta but it could still hold long term implications for many.
I personally know a few people with long Covid and it’s no laughing matter, one is still having to use a wheelchair due to fatigue issues and heart/lung damage.
No one is saying other deaths are to be ignored, but hey the longer restrictions are put in place and the longer people don’t work together to beat this, means more hospital appointments delayed for other illnesses, my daughter who is 6 is still waiting to see a cardiologist due to a condition pre Covid, but you don’t see me whining about it.