When is it going to stop... Raining

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Active Member
The sun is over rated. Most of this summer - and spring - we've had scorching sun and temps in the high 90's, a bit of rain - or a lot - would be nice.


Leg End Member
Come live in Scotland, plenty of rain here.
Our slugs are the size of hedgehogs :laugh:
The hedgehogs don't grow as large up there. They've adapted to the local climate, and as a result don't grow as large as their southern brethren. This explains their size being closer to slugs.
Also they wouldn't want to be confused at a distance with that other northern piece of wildlife, the haggis. Which they may be if they grow too large.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Another lovely day here!
September is turning out better than August!

Well we've had 3 dry days in a row, and the sun has eventually made an appearance each day, so September has indeed been better than August by a long way. Better than June and July too!
I've even managed a bike ride today including a climb of the Fairlie Moor from the steep end. OK, there may have been some battery assistance involved :okay: .
View: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/219121960?privacy_code=FddIzPrOFAXFJWYDGYb4Lb2NSJCXU2ZH


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Maybe you have lost your "bringer of rain" powers ^_^
Long may it continue! :laugh:

I really, REALLY hope so! But I fear this is only temporary relief...... :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
You are both very welcome. :okay:

@Slick , you haven't missed much. It has been very much a Scottish heatwave. A bit "meh" as the yoofs might say. Cloudy and misty until the middle of the day, then some warm sun until late on. But still that persistent breeze. Plus, it has only lasted 3 days! At least it has been dry, for the first time in a long time. Due to revert to the usual "unsettled weather" (so, wind and rain) tomorrow or Tuesday. And no doubt that will be the pattern until summer resumes for that week next May....


Leg End Member
@Slick , you haven't missed much. It has been very much a Scottish heatwave. A bit "meh" as the yoofs might say. Cloudy and misty until the middle of the day, then some warm sun until late on. But still that persistent breeze. Plus, it has only lasted 3 days! At least it has been dry, for the first time in a long time. Due to revert to the usual "unsettled weather" (so, wind and rain) tomorrow or Tuesday. And no doubt that will be the pattern until summer resumes for that week next May....
You forgot about the snow in the colder months.
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