What TV comedy do you like?

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Legendary Member
Surprised no-one's mentioned The IT Crowd yet.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Man About the House
George and Mildred
Robin's Nest

Although I said up thread that I don't find comedy funny, I did like the likes of those you mention. Maybe not for the funny side, but they had quite interesting story lines and watching them again these days is nice to see all that gaudy 1970's fashion and house decor again. :rolleyes:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
What about yon Gavin and Stacey! I had to watch the Christmas special (must've been 90 minutes of torture) about 4 years ago after being invited to a friend's family Christmas Day party. Bad move accepting an invite to a family do where they all probably thought who the feck is he, but even worse pretending to watch and even worse pretending to laugh at that totally over rated, unfunny Corden twonk! 🧐
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Most of mine have been mentioned
In no particular order
An abbreviated list, given the time of writing, l might add more later

M*A*S*H (you can laugh & almost cry at the same episode)

Dave Allen (pure story telling genius)

Father Ted (what a pity, Dave Allen was never in it as the Pope)

Blackadder (Miranda Richardson as Queenie, was inspired casting)

Bottom (slapstick brought up to date, would Laurel & Hardy have done this, if they were around in the same era?)

3rd Rock From The Sun

Scrubs (l can identify with practically every character)


Started young, and still going.
Having read the thread, basically all of the comedy series ever made are liked by some people (obviously some series more than others).

Can we agree upon a comedy series which is universally accepted as being utter crap? :whistle:

Mrs Browns Boys. Total Sh**e. Why the BBC keep paying for I will never know.
The fact that they put it on when most people are going to bed says it all.


Legendary Member
Having read the thread, basically all of the comedy series ever made are liked by some people (obviously some series more than others).

Can we agree upon a comedy series which is universally accepted as being utter crap? :whistle:

Sorry! That was utter crap.


Kilometre nibbler
I could never stand Fawlty Towers when it came out. Still can't.

I did like Father Ted a lot.

There are moments in Dads Army when John Le Mesurier and Arthur Lowe (especially le Mesurier) cook up sublime brilliance between them. But a lot of it is rubbish.

Incidentally I remember enjoying the Goodies, and was pleased to find it was on UK TV Gold or Dave or one of those channels, so I watched it. It was bloody awful. Absolute dross. So that's why it was never repeated. What on earth were we thinking back in the 70s? It must have been all the chemicals in the Angel Delight and Instant Whip that addled our minds.
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Legendary Member
I could never stand Fawlty Towers when it came out. Still can't.

I did like Father Ted a lot.

There are moments in Dads Army when John Le Mesurier and Arthur Lowe (especially le Mesurier) cook up sublime brilliance between them. But a lot of it is rubbish.

Incidentally I remember enjoying the Goodies, and was pleased to find it was on UK TV Gold or Dave or one of those channels, so I watched it. It was bloody awful. Absolute dross. So that's why it was never repeated. What on earth were we thinking back in the 70s? It must have been all the chemicals in the Angel Delight and Instant Whip that addled our minds.

Re the goodies: I think Kitten Kong, the Kung Fu parody Eccie Thump, and maybe the beanstalk ones were pretty good.
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