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Snowpiercer S4. Dodgy download, UK date not known yet. So far so good
Oh fantastic, thats been an age coming. I might watch S3 again to remind myself whats going on.


Legendary Member
Invisible City on Netflix

A Brazilian fantasy / supernatural series concerning on various (part-human? ) "entities" from Brazilian folklore co-exist with the modern world, in particular an environmental protection policeman and his daughter. Really rather good, "show not tell", with enough, but not too much, explanation of what the hell is going on, so you have to infer the action at some points. Various witches, silkie like beings, fire spirits and so on, with action in the jungle and in the city, with the entities often living in human form amongst the homeless or hanging out in their bar. All the spirits, and indeed the humans, have their own motivations, so there is no good vs evil simplicity. Series 1 concluded reasonably satisfactorily so played fair with the audience whilst still leaving plenty of mystery.

Now on season 2 which is also going well

Maybe not quite as good as the very best of its type eg the outstanding Carnivale which concerns supernatural beings mostly associated with a travelling fairground in 1930s US but still very well done. In retrospect it might have worked better with subtitles rather than dubbed English, but we've gone for the latter

8/10 maybe?


Legendary Member
Life on Mars on Netflix.

Missed this first time around.

Nice slice of 70's police nostagia with more than a nod to our cultural change over the intervening years.

A good fun, and at the same time, salutory watch.

I didn't watch this for ages as the premise didn't appeal, but it is indeed excellent. Loved the Gene Hunt character; one of the very best of the "tough police sidekick" roles ever


We finally got around to watching the last two episodes of The Acolyte this week. Overall we've enjoyed it (we've try not to overthink the alleged and obvious inconsistencies with other SW stuff), but the ending was frustrating knowing that it's already been cancelled.
Vienna Blood, latest series - just a 2x1.5h parter.

A bit over-dramatic (almost Bond-style conspiracy plot!) but as usual the two leads are superb, and every scene between them lights up our evenings.

Please make more!


North Shields
We Hunt Together

Another one I'm late to, but the second series was recommended so I figured I'd start from the beginning of the first series.

The first episode was great, but the second pretty quickly becomes a fairly standard police procedural affair. I'm going to keep going with it, but I'm disappointed after such a promising start.

Finished the first series.

Probably a 6/10 overall. The most interesting aspects of the characters never really got explored properly. There's enough there to make me give the second series ago in the hope that's where it'll develop into something deeper but I'm not overly confident that it will.
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