What TV are you watching?

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For no reason other than I can, I'm gonna start Game of Thrones from the beginning.

I remember quite liking it, particularly the couple of episodes directed by Neil Marshall but don't remember much else beyond incest, boobs and violence.
Passed me by completely. I have to say it sounds jolly good fun.


Just started on the responder with martin freeman, mrs ck doesnt like it at im sure she lives in the disney kids channel version of life though :smile:
Ep 1 last night. Have to say, after all the top notch euro-noir we've been watching lately (Spiral, The Bridge, The Killing) it looks workmanlike but a bit run of the mill/painting by numbers. We'll stick with it for the mo, but it needs to up its game to rise above 'ok'.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just finished the new Jack Reacher series on Amazon. Excellent series. A much better lead man, more in keeping with the books with a dash of humour thrown in.


North Shields
I keep meaning to do that. It's fabulous TV!

Yeah, I'm impressed all over again with it. I never actually saw the last couple of series, from what I've read it went a bit wrong because they were just sort of making it up based on notes from Martin.


Slippery scientist
Ep 1 last night. Have to say, after all the top notch euro-noir we've been watching lately (Spiral, The Bridge, The Killing) it looks workmanlike but a bit run of the mill/painting by numbers. We'll stick with it for the mo, but it needs to up its game to rise above 'ok'.
We watched the first episode. It's not a barrel of laughs but Martin Freeman does a great job in a role (and accent) some way away from his typical.

We're also watching Trigger Point but it's touch and go as to whether we'll see it through - it's not terribly engaging.

On a lighter note, we recently finished Agent Carter and have just embarked upon the mammoth task of getting through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The kids like MCU and this satiates their appetites for knowing all about it, and it's entertaining enough for a family viewing occasion.


back and brave
This Is Us - we've just finished series 1 and I have to say that despite it sometimes bordering on the cringefully cute, it manages adroitly to never cross the line due to the use of well-timed humour - it is actually very good. Well written and well acted (for the most part, it's a big cast)

It's a program that spans a number of decades (with the same characters) and it is quite amazing how the older characters are remarkably like their younger selves, yet obviously different actors. I know that doesn't matter in the scale of things but it's none-the-less noticeable and perhaps hints towards an attention to detail.

Seriously, I think it's worth watching.
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This Is Us - we've just finished series 1 and I have to say that despite it sometimes bordering on the cringefully cute, it manages adroitly to never cross the line due to the use of well-timed humour - it is actually very good. Well written and well acted (for the most part, it's a big cast)
I've no idea why we watched this - it sounds like so much other US family drama dross 😄.

But it really worked! Almost every week the Schmaltz Alarms started going off ... and then some subtle writing pulled it back beautifully.

It ain't Shakespeare ... but it's not Family Ties either!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Currently watching Reacher - quite like it.

MrsF is watching 'The girl over here, through the window over there' - or what ever. :laugh:

Quite enjoyed BBC's The Responder. My mum says she gave up part way through the first episode as she couldn't understand the accents :whistle:
We're 30 miles down the road from Liverpool, and when at the caravan, all you hear is Mancs and Scousers. Just like being there I said. They weren't even broad accents.. :laugh:


Legendary Member
enjoying Reacher 4 episodes in. I have read quite a few of the books, but not this ne, which is good. Casting in very good. Tom cruise version was so far off.

also watching Trigger Point and liking that
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