What Spares Do You Carry?

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Chris James

Über Member
I only really go for day rides.

On the bike:
Mini pump (Pocket Rocket DX)
1 or 2 bottles depending how far I am going

In mini wedge
Spare innner tube wrapped in cling film
Puncture repair kit with several spare patches
Tyre levers
Chain tool
Powerlink (in with puncture repair kit)
Mobile phone
House keys

I don't bother with allen keys as I make sure everything is adjusted and tightened properly before I set off.
Chris James said:
I don't bother with allen keys as I make sure everything is adjusted and tightened properly before I set off.

It's nice to be able to help cyclists who've broken down by the wayside. I can't remember the last time I needed Allen keys on my own bike during a ride but I carry them anyway.

Along with a wheel jig, vice, workbench, de-greasing tank, selection of spare wheels etc......... :smile:


Smutmaster General
Chris James said:
I just cycle past them laughing maniacally;)

I always say "Everything OK?" and then ride on if all is well.... I'm dreading the day someone actually asks me for help, as I'm so mechanically inept that opposable thumbs are wasted on me!!!! :ohmy:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
User1314 said:
But if I go out into the wilds - e.g. on a London to Brighton - all the stuff like chain tools etc would be useful as one may be stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Most of my commute is out in the countryside so I really like to cover all most things just in case.

Mr Pig

New Member
User1314 said:
Can I ask how many times people here have had to fix a chain on a ride?

Maybe three or four. Other people's bikes a couple of times. I've had my Power Link come undone but as I carry a spare it wasn't a big deal. A friends new chain snapped and I had to fix it, I guess he hadn't joined it properly.

Point is that the things I carry don't take up much space, they live on the bike really, so there's no harm in having them.

hackbike 6

New Member
biking_fox said:
"Can I ask how many times people here have had to fix a chain on a ride?

Hence why I carry a chain tool.

Me as already posted in Scotland in 1986 and a few other occasions.

In my rucksack - mobile, wallet, loose change, First Aid bits-n-bobs (plasters, bandages, safety-pins, Germolene, paracetamol, ibuprofen - all folded into a bundle barely bigger than my wallet)

Bloody hell must weigh a ton.;)


Well-Known Member
Can I ask how many times people here have had to fix a chain on a ride?

Me a few weeks ago, and I didn't have a chain tool with me. Very luckily for me, it broke about 3 links away from the powerlink so I managed to break the bent links off and refit the chain.


> What Spares Do You Carry?

I carry on me - in my back pockets;

first aid kit;

puncture repair kit;

roady caphttp://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:R_4rUi5nuwb4zM:[url]http://www.probikeoutlet.com/images/glorycycles_1991_94400528.png[/url][IMG];


travel pass (for some inane reason:?:- its not like i'm going to be allowed on a bus with my bike - will have to start leaving that at home!);



Then in Saddle Pack:-

cycle tool - which has pretty much every sized spanner you need inc. allen keys too ! :wink:;

inner tube - sometimes I have 2 with me;

spare chain (connecting) link - pretty essential this 1;

tyre levers;

Lastly, small spanner with two box like structures on both ends with different sized holes around the box sections.
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