What Spares Do You Carry?

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A Nutter

Gary Kenny - a cycling quizmaster
on frame:
in saddle bag:
>tyre levers
>spare innertube
>patchs etc
>bike lock
>4 X AA batteries

In backpack -
>maps (cycling north east ones)
>mobile phones
>mars bar

if not going for i shove my keys, wallet and phones in me pockets!

hackbike 6

New Member
rootes said:
mini pump on bike,

some of those magic park puncture patches (how ace are those!)

two park tyres levers..

Don't generally use the patches as I carry spare tubes.
Never carry pump on bike in case I forget it then someone will nick it.

Had too much obviously.Cleared up a bit.

Put the patches in the pump handle. :smile:
I went on a CTC run a few years back and one young girl had a problem, whilst my multi tool is fine for my/ newer bikes it wasn't for hers. One old geezer just unfurls his saddle bag inside was lots of tools. Its a bit of a weight to be carrying round but good on him.

hackbike 6

New Member
So's mine,probably doesn't help and may contribute to p*nct*res.

Might shave 5 mins off of my time again.

When the Audax 2006 had the chain problem I rushed home to get the 2007 version.

As it hasn't got a lot of stuff on it I shaved 5 mins off of my ride into work..


New Member
numbnuts said:
1 P*ncture repair kit
1 allan keys
1 set of tyre levers + 2 spare
3 inner tubes
Folding tyre
Tyre patches
1 small head torch in winter
marigold gloves
Small length of chain (3 inches)
1 small chain tool
Cassette tool and chain whip
Spare spokes
Kevlar spoke
Spare nuts, bolts, powerlinks
Wire cutters
2 small screw drivers
Small sockets to fit screw driver handle
First aid kit with triangular bandage paracetamol, co-codamol, gaviscon tablets
Batteries for rear light and computer and bulbs
Small tyre pump (not mini)
1 Co2 pump
Zip ties
spare keys for house, bike locks
Pen and paper
10 sheets of kitchen roll
Very small bottle of hand cleaner
Insulation tape
£5 in small change
Small roll of gaffer tape
Brake and gear cables
Spare bite valve for camalbac
Small roll string
Spare gloves
well you never know what you may need:biggrin:

You must be a member of the CTC:biggrin:

Swift Dan

Senior Member
biking_fox said:
"Can I ask how many times people here have had to fix a chain on a ride?

I had a chain link come undone a couple of months ago and no chain tool with me. Just had to limp home at slightly above walking pace.

I had a Dawes Watoga MTB frame from ebay delivered to work recently and had to strap it to my backpack and cycle home with it across my back. I wonder how many people saw that and thought I carried a spare frame with me when I cycled? :smile:
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