What Spares Do You Carry?

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snapper_37 said:
I did wonder if I should carry more when I had a P-word in the red light district though ....
Is the P-word 'Prostitute'?


Über Member
Normally I just take a credit card, a twenty pound note and a few pound coins. I sometimes take a spare tube, lever and CO2 if I'm going into the middle of nowhere though.


Mini Pump
Tyre Levers
Fairy repair kit
Multi tool
Clip on lights (front and back)
Spare batteries
2 different sizes of bungees (about the only thing that has come in useful so far!)
Waterproof seat cover (Brooks saddle, was only £3.50 you see!)
Waterproof trousers
Rain Jacket
Skull cap
Spare pair of gloves

Anything else I fancy shoving in the pannier at the time


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
In my saddlebag - two spare inners, powerlink, tyre levers, p******e repair kit, Topeak Multitool, CO2 inflator, Park self-adhesive patches.

On the bike - Topeak Road Morph G pump.

In my rucksack - mobile, wallet, loose change, First Aid bits-n-bobs (plasters, bandages, safety-pins, Germolene, paracetamol, ibuprofen - all folded into a bundle barely bigger than my wallet)


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
frame pump
2 spare inner tubes
tyre levers
puncture repair kit
insulation tape
chain splitter
box spanner
cable ties
mobile phone
spare front door key
£ 5 in change


Well-Known Member
Mini pump
1 spare tube
tyre levers
patches, glue etc
small adjustable spanner
small screwdriver with changeable bits
chain tool
chain powerlink and a short length of chain
spoke key
pair or rubber gloves (marigolds)

With the exception of the inner tube and gloves, this all fits into a seatpack (just about). The other bits go into the small outside pocket of my pannier.

I don't carry spare batteries as I have two rear flashers and a white flasher at the front, along with a dynamo front light.

Overshoes, rainlegs and a jacket shoved into the pannier as well in case it pours down.


Taking the biscuit
Aperitif said:
couple of pairs of surgical gloves (in case I'm asked to perform a tracheotomy on a congested by-pass) (or a by-pass on a congested tracheotomy ;))

I hasten to add, you will then also need to be carrying a wire coat hanger and basic 'Bic' biro in order to carry out this/these procedures. :biggrin:

My 'must have' bits of essential cycling kit would have to include infernal positivity, a love of the great unknown and directions.


Legendary Member
I go with just an allen key set and a mobile. Taxis are cheap here, so if anything goes wrong I can call one and get a ride home.....

hackbike 6

New Member
Chain Splitter...Yeah always useful.

When I was cycling up to Braemer from Aberdeen (1986) the chain snapped.Luckily for me when I was packing I threw in the chain extractor tool with the kitchen sink and how it saved me that day so I always tend to carry one.

Also spoke key if not already posted and that has come in handy a few times.


Depends where I'm going
on my commute, a multitool (hex keys, chain tool etc included), a pump and a p-repair kit.
(unless I'm walking, and then none of the above)
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