What Spares Do You Carry?

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hackbike 6

New Member
Cable ties sticky tape.Used to carry an emergency spoke.

AA batteries of which I have received with items I have bought.Bung them in my rucksack as I generally use rechargeables.

They came in useful recently the remote control at work needed 2 AA batteries.

(more than one spare innertube.)


Legendary Member
1 P*ncture repair kit
1 allan keys
1 set of tyre levers + 2 spare
3 inner tubes
Folding tyre
Tyre patches
1 small head torch in winter
marigold gloves
Small length of chain (3 inches)
1 small chain tool
Cassette tool and chain whip
Spare spokes
Kevlar spoke
Spare nuts, bolts, powerlinks
Wire cutters
2 small screw drivers
Small sockets to fit screw driver handle
First aid kit with triangular bandage paracetamol, co-codamol, gaviscon tablets
Batteries for rear light and computer and bulbs
Small tyre pump (not mini)
1 Co2 pump
Zip ties
spare keys for house, bike locks
Pen and paper
10 sheets of kitchen roll
Very small bottle of hand cleaner
Insulation tape
£5 in small change
Small roll of gaffer tape
Brake and gear cables
Spare bite valve for camalbac
Small roll string
Spare gloves
well you never know what you may need:biggrin:

hackbike 6

New Member
I think that covers it.Thread over.

Yes I carry allan keys.
2 small tyre pumps.
Bulbs not needed but spare lights carried as I have my own built system which is coming up to two years old and is prone to fail now and again.
Carry phone camera and pen blah blah blah.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Bog roll incase you get caught short.
Spare wheel sometimes, front and rear, just in case.
Really, i carry:
Mini pump, inner tube, tyre levers, allen keys and thats it. I think:wacko: I alwyas thought i carried more.
Oh, some money aswell, and a mobile phone.
hackbike 6 said:
Cable ties sticky tape.Used to carry an emergency spoke.

AA batteries of which I have received with items I have bought.Bung them in my rucksack as I generally use rechargeables.

They came in useful recently the remote control at work needed 2 AA batteries.

(more than one spare innertube.)

Interesting the spoke thing. I read somewhere, recently, of someone(in a French or English publication - can't remember) who 'clipped' their spare spokes into a bit of cork and posted them into the frame via the seat tube...I thought that was a good idea.

I carry two or three tubes, multitool, Park patches and levers, CO2, £5, chain tool, tiny phillips screwdriver(?), cable tie or two, couple of pairs of surgical gloves (in case I'm asked to perform a tracheotomy on a congested by-pass) (or a by-pass on a congested tracheotomy ;)) digital camera, paper towel, keys - and a rolled up copy of the Times for when I'm going downhill fast :biggrin:


Senior Member
Inner tube.

I have a lightweight wet weather jacket which scrunches up pretty small (about the size of a water bottle) which I tuck in if it looks a little dodgy.

Other than that, I just risk it.

Numbnuts... do you really carry all that?

The spoke in cork is an interesting idea. May have to try that... not that I've ever needed to replace a spoke on the road (touch wood).

As yet I don't commute in winter. May do this year. If I do, I will be carrying a multitude of lights and batteries.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Two tubes (I used to ride on Kenda tyres remember).
Lifu Multitool
P* kit (x2 - I used to ride Kenda tyres, remember)
Chain tool
Tyre Levers (x3)
Electrical tape
Nothing usually since I work walking distance from home. If I do carry spares I never carry more than;
One spare tube (wrapped up in an old white GAN Team ankle sock which protects it from abrasion from abrasion and can double up as a rag).
One patch kit including a couple of instant patches.
Topeak mini Allen key set.
One Pedros extra long tyre lever.
Finish Line Chain-Pup chain rivet extractor, handle removed and body filed down to save weight.
Lightweight pump, superfluous trim removed to save weight.

When I used to cover big off-road or touring miles I would include a couple of spare spokes + nips taped to the chain stay, a spoke key, some sachets of lube and grease, two tubes and emergency energy food.

hackbike 6

New Member
Interesting the spoke thing. I read somewhere, recently, of someone(in a French or English publication - can't remember) who 'clipped' their spare spokes into a bit of cork and posted them into the frame via the seat tube...I thought that was a good idea.

It was actually a string spoke setup but when I tried it I couldn't get it to work very well.Recently when two spokes broke I nylon tied one of them to my rear carrier so I could take it round Evans so I could get some replacements.This method worked as I didn't lose it.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
numbnuts said:
1 P*ncture repair kit
1 allan keys
1 set of tyre levers + 2 spare
3 inner tubes
Folding tyre
Tyre patches
1 small head torch in winter
marigold gloves
Small length of chain (3 inches)
1 small chain tool
Cassette tool and chain whip
Spare spokes
Kevlar spoke
Spare nuts, bolts, powerlinks
Wire cutters
2 small screw drivers
Small sockets to fit screw driver handle
First aid kit with triangular bandage paracetamol, co-codamol, gaviscon tablets
Batteries for rear light and computer and bulbs
Small tyre pump (not mini)
1 Co2 pump
Zip ties
spare keys for house, bike locks
Pen and paper
10 sheets of kitchen roll
Very small bottle of hand cleaner
Insulation tape
£5 in small change
Small roll of gaffer tape
Brake and gear cables
Spare bite valve for camalbac
Small roll string
Spare gloves
well you never know what you may need:biggrin:

You forgot kitchen sink and someone to clean it for you ;)

My commute is 7 mile each way so I don't carry anything apart from a camp litle specialized tool kit. I did wonder if I should carry more when I had a P-word in the red light district though ....

Mr Pig

New Member
I carry:

Spare tube.
Puncture repair kit.
Chain tool.
Spare chain links.
Spare Power Link.
Small flat-blade screwdriver.
Three Allan keys (covers all the bolts on the bike).
Three large cable ties (inside seatpost)
Spare brake cable.
Leatherman Wave muti-tool.

Almost all of this fits in the saddle bag with enough room to spare for my mobile phone and a Mars Bar on long trips! ;0)
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