What Have You Fettled Today?

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New freewheel on the Centurion. Discovered the rear tire was flat and had glass in it, so I patched that while I was at it. Just what are the odds on having a flat at home? The Vespa got a new speedometer cable as well… that was fun, only dropped one screw into the endless abyss which is its bodywork.



All at sea⛵
Rebuilt the bathroom cabinet on Vanessa.
Afraid Hercules has been limited to a quick run this morning to the market. The rest of the day he has been confined to the garage.

Fettling, did look at the brake pads. Not sure how they might last.
1600km , so far.
May change them before leaving next week for a month's trip.


And its now Eryri having gone Welsh


Formerly known as Speedfreak
Wales tour tomorrow so thought I'd give the bike a wash, bolt check and quick oil up.

Think its maybe time for a new saddle after next week too..........


Currently in the process of fettling 4 days worth of gear into my back loader


Not cycled much this year for various reasons so I'm sure the legs will get a fettle next week too, still looking forward to it despite not being particularly bike fit.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The chainring bolts on the new to me CX were a bit tatty (rusty) and the chainrings needed a good clean. All removed, got the dremmel out and the bolts have cleaned up real well. Also polished the silver highlights on the main black chainring as they were a little pitted. Final job done on the CX since getting it - everything else had been removed and cleaned/greased.
My first fettle was minimal as after 60 odd miles my drip waxed drive set was like this:

I really only had to hose the cow/sheep/horse muck off the tyres so it can live happily in the flat.
I still gave a wipe down with wet then dry cloth's though and I just giving it an hour or two to dry some more before I add some more drip wax.

Whilst I am waiting I tightened the bikes headset and the spd cleats on my commuting shoes.
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