What film did you watch last night?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Just as well you weren't watching Alien, and 'that' John Hurt scene...
Funnily enough...

Different job, different colleague... This one was reading the Alien novel during his lunch breaks. I watched him one time getting more and more tense and then suddenly jumping up and swearing in shock. It was caused by THAT scene, in print! :eek: (This was a few weeks before most of us had actually seen the film, so none of us knew the plot.)


North Shields
2 Guns - 6/10

Fun, daft, buddy cop action affair with Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg in a decent if unoriginal pairing as the lead characters. I'm starting to like Denzel more and more these days. I've always liked Wahlberg, I think he's under-rated; Boogie Nights remains a favourite of mine.

Bill Paxton as a bad guy was a bit jarring, and I didn't realise that he had died, which was even more of a surprise!


A strange one, British made, it soon become obvious the main player, a loner, seemingly depressed, downtrodden, whos behaviour becomes ever more erratic culminating in an insane spree of crime and abandon..and yet he retains some level of decency.
Theres no great storyline, no great ending but for me at least, you live his mental state with him, its quite stark when it makes yiu actually realise how someone else with issues sees the world.
Good film, well worth watching but its no mood raiser.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
It was Beltane so by right rights I should have watched The Wicker Man, but instead I chose the unofficial sister movie: Race With The Devil... it lacks everything that makes The Wicker Man so good, but does have some great car chases and ends on a real high note :okay:


Funny Girl. And I enjoyed it enormously. I thought I would probably enjoy it, from shreds of memory, but I enjoyed it a lot more than that.

Streisand plays a blinder in a role she seems born for. (And I speak as one for whom as a rule a little Barbra goes a long way.) Fully deserved her Oscar. Absolutely tops, comedically, actingly and above all singingly, from the genuinely moving ("People, Who need people, Are the luckiest people in the world.") to the barnstorming - Don't Rain on My Parade, full bore. What a debut!

Crackling script too, absolutely studded with great one-liners.

General hubbub in the streets - many cries of 'A Telegram! A Telegram!' Old Lady 1 to OL2: "That's life. Someone's dead."


Puzzle game procrastinator!
No Time To Die - a 2 hours 43 minutes long Bond movie that didn't seem like a second longer than 3 hours 43 minutes... :whistle:


Well-Known Member
No Time To Die - a 2 hours 43 minutes long Bond movie that didn't seem like a second longer than 3 hours 43 minutes... :whistle:

I have tried watching that 5 times .. I still cannot get past the first 10 minutes as so boring . No other bond movie has ever been like that .. Quantom of Solace was bad enough , I only just make it to the end


Legendary Member
good film but does go on a bit... especially the 2nd half. It maudled worse than Tennant's last outing as The Doctor

I didn't think it was too bad on that front, not as bad as the Doctor Who episode at any rate, albeit that is rather a "damning with faint praise" comparison. Upvoted for adding "maudled" to my vocabulary; an excellent word I will contrive to use from now


I have tried watching that 5 times .. I still cannot get past the first 10 minutes as so boring . No other bond movie has ever been like that .. Quantom of Solace was bad enough , I only just make it to the end

I don't know, some of the later Brosnan ones were a bit poor, and the one with the invisible car really scraped the barrel.
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